2016年9月24日发布 56:02 hkl3000讲解
HKL-3000R users should contact Rigaku for information about the latest version available to them. Reference to HKL-3000InstallationHardware & OS HKL-3000 interacts with many widely used programs such as CCP4, SOLVE, RESOLVE, MLPHARE, SHELXD and SHELXE, ARP/wARP, DM, MOLREP, REFMAC, and Mol...
Welcome to HKL Research’s “Introduction To Structure Solution Using HKL-3000”. This video focuses on structure solution using single-wavelength anomalous, or SAD, diffraction data. The raw data for today’s tutorial is available at proteindiffraction.org athttps://proteindiffraction.org/project/H...
HKL can be installed in one of two ways, depending on how many people need access to it. If only one person will run HKL-3000, then that user should install the program. Multi-user installations require administrative (root) privileges. The installer program lets you choose the installation ...
MAC Science DIP-3000 cylindrical Weissenberg scanner MAC Science DIP-320 Weissenberg scanner MAC Science DIP-420 off-line scanner MAR Research MAR CCD detector 130 mm MAR CCD detector 165 mm MAR CCD detector 225 mm - only in HKL-2000 MAR CCD detector 300 mm - only in HKL-2000 MAR CCD de...
Version 717 is the first release of HKL with an automatic mode, further simplifying the process of determining a structure. Both HKL-2000 and HKL-3000 can process and scale your data, and HKL-3000 can determine and build your structureautomatically. The "Auto" tab allows automatic indexing, ...
Any publication arising from the use of the HKL-3000 program should contain the following reference: Minor W, Cymborowski M, Otwinowski Z, Chruszcz M "HKL-3000: the integration of data reduction and structure solution--from diffraction images to an initial model in minutes.", Acta Crystallog...
结构数据文件– PDB格式– mmCIF格式– mtz格式• 结构模型的表达– 实体模型– 计算机绘... 分子置换法2.重原子法3. 直接法多(单)对同晶置换法(MIR/SIR)多(单)波长反常散
电子/电工 > 安全消防报警设备 > 防盗报警器材及系统 > 霍尼韦尔(Honeywell) > 霍尼韦尔其他安防监控设备数字指纹门锁简约银HKL-3000S-TYW60 霍尼韦尔其他安防监控设备数字指纹门锁简约银HKL-3000S-TYW60 参数 价格:暂无报价 评价: 点击前往购买 综述介绍 参数 图片 视频 评价 报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 ...
金价突破3000美元大关,央行囤金潮点燃黄金新时代 2025年3月14日,国际黄金市场迎来里程碑式突破——COMEX黄金期货价格首度站上3000美元/盎司,现货黄金同步冲高至2989美元/盎司,创历史新高。这一突破标志着黄金正式迈入“3字头”时代。 跟踪上金所黄金现货合约的黄金ETF基金(159937)盘中涨超1.46%,成交金额超1亿元,年...