Accessed September 28, 2023. Poteat T, Ackerman B, Diouf D, et al. HIV prevalence and behavioural and psychosocial factors among transgender women and cisgender men who have sex with men in 8 African countries: A cross-sectional...
Default Stats SA Report Shows No HIV Epidemic In South Africa (Anita Allen article)(diabetes tuberculosis influenza cancer pneumonia)The number of reported deaths from all causes (natural and unnatural) increased 57% from 318 287 in 1997 to...
A clinic-based evaluation of dual HIV/syphilis POCTs (SD Bioline and Chembio) was conducted at five primary healthcare centres (PHCs) in South Africa and Zambia. POCT results using capillary fingerprick blood were compared to reference laboratory syphilis and HIV serological assays. Results Three...
Strategies toward HIV-1 cure aim to clear, inactivate, reduce, or immunologically control the virus from a pool of latently infected cells such that combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) can be safely interrupted. In order to assess the impact of any
in, and the second study was conducted in Cape Town and East London, South Africa. Both studies recruited 100 newly diagnosed HIV positive participants aged 18–24 years. The data for these analyses were drawn from baseline surveys, which were conducted at the time of enrollment in both ...
LC Simbayi, SC Kalichman, A Strebel et al. Disclosure of HIV status to sex partners and sexual risk behaviors among HIV-positive men and women, Cape Town, South Africa. Sex Transm Infect. 2007; 83:29-34.This article on PubMed
barriers to either accessing or adhering to HIV treatment including lack of resources to attend to facilities and food insecurity. We describe the interactions between managing household income and ART adherence for PLHIV in low-income urban and semi-urban settings in the Western Cape, South Africa...
A high pro- portion of people newly diagnosed in South Africa are at an advanced stage of HIV infection (defined as a CD4 count < 200 cells/mm3), by which point the immune sys- tem is extremely compromised [3, 4]. Lastly, South Africa recorded 0.7% of TB prevalence for all ...
South Africa, fetal immune sex differences resulting in a 1.5–2-fold increased female susceptibility to intrauterine HIV infection. Viruses transmitted to females have lower replicative capacity (p = 0.0005) and are more type I interferon-resistant (p = 0.007) than those transmitted to ...
in young South Africans with HIV. This secondary analysis compared baseline data from two cohorts of young people ages 18–24 who tested HIV positive either before or during South Africa’s COVID-19 State of Disaster. Baseline sociodemographic, social support-related, and psychosocial data were ...