Next, using data from a 2012 national survey of South Africans (SABSSM IV) and Statistics South Africa (StatsSA), we describe the race-specific geospatial distribution of HIV in South Africa, provide empirical evidence for the impact of Apartheid on important risk factors for HIV infection, ... Poteat T, Ackerman B, Diouf D, et al. HIV prevalence and behavioural and psychosocial factors among transgender women and cisgender men who have sex with men in 8 African countries: A cross-sectional analysis. PLOS Medicine. 2017...
South Africa has an estimated population of approximately 47. 9 million of which almost (51%) are female; according to the 2007 mid-year report of Statistics South Africa (Stats-SA, 2007). The availability of Antiretroviral (ARVs) that delay HIV progression and improve quality of life of HI...
We assessed viral infectivity in cord blood PBMC from 19 pairs of sex discordant twins from Kimberley Hospital, Northern Cape, South Africa. Informed consent was obtained from all participating subjects. Studies were approved by the University of the Free State Ethics Committee, Bloemfontein and the ...
Counselling has been recognized as an important component of HIV and AIDS care, and an essential part of HIV testing. In South Africa, a commonly used model is for lay counsellors to be trained by non-governmental organizations and then to work alongside professionals in public health clinics....
Report retrieved December 28, 2002, from hasr1302.pdf Google Scholar Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002a). Frequently asked questions and answers about coinfection with HIV and Hepatitis C virus. Report retrieved November 26, 2002, from http://...
Gay men living with HIV have complex health care needs involving physical and mental health and comorbidities with other health conditions. The health disparities affecting gay men must be understood in the context of macro-level processes. A life-course
We here describe, in a cohort of > 170 in utero HIV-infected infants from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, fetal immune sex differences resulting in a 1.5–2-fold increased female susceptibility to intrauterine HIV infection. Viruses transmitted to females have lower replicative capacity (p =...
barriers to either accessing or adhering to HIV treatment including lack of resources to attend to facilities and food insecurity. We describe the interactions between managing household income and ART adherence for PLHIV in low-income urban and semi-urban settings in the Western Cape, South Africa...
In countries such as South Africa, Sierra Leone and Gabon, girls represent more than 80% of new HIV infections in adolescents (4,8). Regardless of gender, the vast majority of African adolescents, including those already infected with HIV, do not know their HIV status (3,6). The rates ...