图源:preventionaccess.org当时的“共识声明”开门见山地写到:“现有证据显示,稳定接受抗病毒治疗的HIV感染者,其血液中的VL若持续六个月以上保持在测不到的状态时,其传播HIV的风险是可忽略,甚至不存在的。”简而言之,即持续检测不到=不具传染性(Undetectable equals Untransmittable;U=U)(实指VL<200copie...
6 There were 99 diagnoses of perinatally acquired HIV infection in 2016,2 and approximately 8700 women living with HIV give birth each year.5 There are racial/ethnic disparities in rates of perinatally acquired HIV infection; rates are 5 times greater in black/African American women than in ...
In 2022, the country with the highest HIV rate in the world was Eswatini. At that time, all of the 10 countries with the highest rates of HIV were in Africa.
1997-2022 图 3 1997—2022 年合肥市 HIV/AIDS 新报告感染率变化 趋势的 Joinpoint 回归分析 Figure 3 Joinpoint regression analysis of the trend for HIV/ AIDS infection rates newly reported in Hefei, 1997-2022 道一致[7- .9] 这可能是因为该部分人群特别是男性 仍然具有正常的生理需求,却容易被忽视...
Lieb S, Prejean J, Thompson DR et al (2011) HIV prevalence rates among men who have sex with men in the southern United States: population-based estimates by race/ethnicity. AIDS Behav 15:596–606 PubMed Google Scholar El-Sadr WM, Mayer KH, Hodder SL (2010) AIDS in America–forgotten...
But rates of transmission have been spiking in eastern Europe and central Asia. Millions in west and central Africa still don't have access to life-saving anti-viral drugs. And discrimination and myths still persist around the disease that has plagued the world for four decades, especially again...
1997-2022 图 3 1997—2022 年合肥市 HIV/AIDS 新报告感染率变化 趋势的 Joinpoint 回归分析 Figure 3 Joinpoint regression analysis of the trend for HIV/ AIDS infection rates newly reported in Hefei, 1997-2022 道一致[7- .9] 这可能是因为该部分人群特别是男性 仍然具有正常的生理需求,却容易被忽视...
This, along with the prevailing stigma surrounding PLHIV in Chinese society, may contribute to attrition rates in treatment. A 15-year study in Yunnan[44] found an overall rate of 6.77/100 person-years (95% CI: 6.69–6.85) of attrition among 110,373 PLHIV receiving ART from 2004–2018. ...
however, studies have reported either no or minimally increased rates of HCV infection among partners of persons with HCV infection compared with partners of those without.[12]翻译过来即:然而,研究表明,与没有丙型肝炎病毒感染的伴侣相比,丙型肝炎病毒感染者的伴侣的HCV感染率没有增加或仅略有增加。 此外...
Dr. Piot stated that during 2003-2005 over 300,000 lives a year were saved in developing countries thanks to the tripling in the numbers of people receiving antiretroviral therapy. Dr. Piot thanked Russian President Putin for convening the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation...