Tabletop Microscopes Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) featuring improved electron optics, higher magnification, and built-in image processing to further enhance image quality and resolution Tabletop Microscopes TM4000PlusIII/TM4000III The TM4000PlusIII/TM4000III is the newest addition to a ...
Tabletop Microscopes TM4000Ⅱ / TM4000PlusⅡ Newly released TM4000 II series provide 20kV accelerating voltage and also allow wide area of SEM observation by adding Multi Zigzag function (Option) Tabletop Micro scope offers further enhanced observation and analysis application world. ...
Olympus Canada to Distribute Hitachi Tabletop SEM
Newly released TM4000 II series provide 20kV accelerating voltage and also allow wide area of SEM observation by adding Multi Zigzag function (Option) Tabletop Micro scope offers further enhanced observation and analysis application world.
Tabletop Microscope -- TM3030Plus TM3030Plus has a premium SE detector which has been incorporated in FE-SEM & VP SEM, and well-accepted by users as a high-sensitivity detector. It can be operated effectively under a... Other Datasheet Catalogs for Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc....
Hitachi BSE SEM image AMICS Segmented image X-ray Analysis and Mineral Classification Mineral Composition Particle Grid Data Processing & Export AMICS is fully integrated with Hitachi Scanning Electron Microscopes Tabletop Microscope TM4000II Scanning Electron Microscope FlexSEM 1000II Schottky ...
To achieve these goals, we have developed the Zone II for SEM: Tabletop Specimen Cleaner, a device that reduces contamination without damaging the sample by irradiating the sample with ultraviolet light prior to observation to reduce the number of adhered hydrocarbon molecules to the sample surface....
optical, SEM Applications laboratory Configuration tabletop, compact Other characteristics high-resolution Magnification Min.:10 unit Max.:250,000 unit Weight 54 kg (119 lb) Width 330 mm (13 in) Height 547 mm (21.5 in) Description The TM4000 Series features innovation and cutting-edge technologies...
TM4000PlusIII/TM4000III可支持加速电压20 kV。 凭借EDS分析(选配),可进行更高计数率解析。 通过加速电压20 kV,实现EDS元素分布图的高S/N化 Multi Zigzag(选配) 可实现在广域范围内进行SEM观察。 搭配自动马达台,可实现低倍率,高精度,大范围的观察分析。 非常简单的 EDX 分析 面分析 谱峰分析 ...
Olympus Canada to Distribute Hitachi Tabletop SEMPhotonics Spectra