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Hitachi S-5200 DetailsSDI ID:90950 Manufacturer: Hitachi Model: S-5200 Description: FE SEM Version: - Vintage: 31.05.2001 Quantity: 1 Sales Condition: as is where isAsk SDI fabsurplus.com!If you are looking for a specific piece of semiconductor equipment let us know what type of ...
Hitachi S-5200 DetailsSDI ID:88999 Manufacturer: Hitachi Model: S-5200 Description: FE SEM Version: Lab Vintage: 31.05.2004 Quantity: 1 Sales Condition: as is where isAsk SDI fabsurplus.com!If you are looking for a specific piece of semiconductor equipment let us know what type of ...
The industry’s most comprehensive 100% data availability guarantee Smart Data Reduction 4:1 Up to 4:1 effective capacity, guaranteed Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform 5000 Series Specifications Download spec sheet Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform 5200 ...
今天发布的新一代VSP 5200和VSP 5600是我们新近取得的创新成果的一部分,未来,日立会继续加大在存储技术和解决方案领域的投入,不断强化并扩展VSP系列产品,带来适用于本地、混合云和多云环境的最佳方案。”Hitachi Vantara对高端存储的钻研可追溯至20世纪70年代:从1978年开始采用主机技术推出专业存储,2000年推出第一...
The world’s fastest NVMe flash storage array, Hitachi Vantara’s Virtual Storage Platform 5000 Series is the foundation for a modern, enterprise-class infrastructure.Let's talk Enterprise Storage Why Hitachi Vantara Market Leader Specifications Resources Let’s talk ...
Hitachi High-Tech Mexico S.A.de C.V. English Mexico City Office Address Av. Paseo de la Reforma No. 483 (Torre Reforma), Piso 13 Col. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06500 Ciudad de Mexico Phone Number +52-55-5280-6852 Map View in Google Maps U.S.A. Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc...