二手半导体设备HITACHI S-5000扫描电子显微镜出售;产品概要:Hitachi SU5000 FE-SEM是高性能电子光学系统:·二次电子分辨率-顶位二次电子探测器(2.0 nm at kV)* ·高灵敏度一高效PD-BSD,超强的低加速电压性能.低至100 V成像 ·大束流 (>200 nA)- 便于高效微区分析 基本信息:创新的分析性FE-SEM允许在...
日立多功能热场式发射扫描电镜SU5000 高分辨率进口仪器 减速模式 多功能 深圳市谱赛斯科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥300.00万/台 上海 日立高新热场式场发射扫描电镜SU5000 进口日本冷场发射 在线交易 日立品牌 上海庄润国际贸易有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥1000.00/台 上海 日立热场式场发射扫描电镜 ...
The world’s fastest NVMe flash storage array, Hitachi Vantara’s Virtual Storage Platform 5000 Series is the foundation for a modern, enterprise-class infrastructure. Let's talk Enterprise Storage Why Hitachi Vantara Market Leader Specifications ...
Hitachi HSL-5000 高精度线性变压器说明书 32.5 Cord spool Rubber feet DMB 12A DMD 7 DME 7Carrying case The handy carrying case protects the main unit and also accommodates documents. The case features side pockets on both sides for a hand pump and tuning tools.Dimensions Accessories Carrying...
The world’s fastest NVMe flash storage array, Hitachi Vantara’s Virtual Storage Platform 5000 Series is the foundation for a modern, enterprise-class infrastructure.Let's talk Enterprise Storage Why Hitachi Vantara Market Leader Specifications Resources Let’s talk ...
Hitachi High-Tech provides wide variety of product line-ups, such as a tabletop SEMs having simple and quick usage, to FE-SEMs, and TEMs having the capability of precise analysis in details, and FlB-SEMs having the capability of 3 dimensional
VSP 5000携Hitachi40多年积累助力中国企业转型 全球性的数字浪潮带来了海量数据的产生,对于数据基础设施尤其存储提出了更高的要求。Hitachi VirtualStorage Platform(VSP)5000系列由此应运而生。这款最初亮相于拉斯维加斯NEXT 2019上的企业级全闪存阵列新品拥有全方位的强大表现,例如创纪录地实现了2100万次IOPS、最高...
With advanced features, it’s easy to determine temperature dependent food behavior, such as melting and crystallization levels, oxidation and denaturation of proteins. Find out more X-MET8000 for fast and accurate asset mapping The X-MET8000 range of handheld XRF analyzers delivers powerful X-...
VSP 5200/5600隶属于Hitachi Vantara于2019年推出的VSP 5000系列,是这个系列的全新升级产品。其拥有高性能、高可用性、绿色环保、高性价比以及智能运维等五大特色,专门为应对大数据工作负载提供超高端的性能与稳定性,既可优化云资源使用,还支持本地数据中心的大规模整合。领先技术与特色功能解析 尖端读写性能 全闪存...
Raw material characterization: Thermal analysis helps to verify the type and behavior of raw materials, whereas Hitachi’s EA8000 gives a detailed picture of metal contaminants. Finished product analysis including failure analysis: For battery cells that are made in-house, obtained from a third-party...