简介:我公司国内总代理,华东地区代理hitachi high technologies america, inc专业经营进口胎牛血清、细胞因子、ELISA试剂盒、细胞、抗体、生物试剂、耗材、培养基、一抗、二抗、其产品吸附均匀,吸附性好,空白值低,孔底透明度高,代做ELISA实验等。 国内总代理,华东地区代理hitachi high technologies america, inc产品涉及...
产品名称: hitachi high technologies america,inc 产品型号: **代理产品展商: 其它品牌产品文档: 无相关文档 简单介绍 hitachi high technologies america,inc公司 hitachi high technologies america,inc代理 hitachi high technologies america,inc中国代理 hitachi high technologies america,inc**代理hitachi...
Hitachi High Technologies America: Exceed your need with leading-edge high speed surface mount systems. Ergonomic designs maximize flexibility while reducing overall cost of ownership.
hitachi high technologies america, inc.代理 购买玉博生物hitachi high technologies america, inc.代理 注意事项如下: 1 收到细胞后首先观察hitachi high technologies america, inc.代理瓶是否有损坏、漏液、 浑浊等现象,若有上述现象发生请及时和我们联系。 abcam,CST,Santa三***抗体7-8月份大促销,不开发票价,...
产品名称:hitachi high technologies america, inc. 猴年大吉 hitachi high technologies america, inc. 新春快乐 产品简介:VacA ELISA试剂盒是上海**生物强烈推出的一款产品,其敏感性高,特异性强,重复性好,由于其试剂稳定、易保存,操作简便,结果判断较客观价格合理,质量好等因素, 已广泛应用在免疫学检验的各领域中。
The article presents company profile of Hitachi High Technologies America (HTA) Inc. The company is recognized as a provider of high quality analytical equipment and services in the U.S. It contains life sciences division wherein it markets fluorescent spectroscopy, chromatography, and amino acid ...
Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc. List your products or services on GlobalSpec Contact Information 10 North Martingale Road, Suite 500 Schaumburg, IL 60173 USA Phone: (847) 273-4141 Fax: (847) 273-4407 Business Type: Manufacturer
Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc.The article profiles Hitachi High Technologies America Inc., provider of analytical equipment and services, located in Schaumburg, Illinois. It is founded in 1979 and has 450 employees. It supports several chromatography techniques including high performance liquid ...
简介:hitachi high technologies america, inc公司代理原装**,质量保证,*。我公司作为在华销售的品牌代理商,提供一系列的标准、新颖、*的生化试剂,所有这些产品均具有*的纯度和高超的品质。 详细介绍 关键词:hitachi high technologies america, inc公司代理简介:hitachi high technologies america, inc公司代理原装**,...
【hitachi high technologies america, inc.】授权代理商公司品牌简介:上海玉博生物科技有限公司为一家专业性的生物科技公司,主要业务是为科研院所、高等院校、卫生检验检疫部门、环境保护部门的相关实验室和制药、食品、饮料、化工、水产等企业的实验室提供服务。【hitachi high technologies america, inc.】授权代理商...