materials such as metals and ceramics while 120kV model with higher contrast is used for polymers and biological tissues. When advanced analytical performances such as nano area analysis and atomic-resolution analysis are required, FE electron source and spherical aberration corrector are powerful ...
Scanning Electron Microscope FlexSEM 1000 II FlexSEM 1000 II employs thermionic electron source and achieves resolution of 4.0nm with its compact design ready for desktop setup. Low vacuum mode allows rapid observation of insufficiently conductive samples without metal coating to prevent charging. Optional...
Field EmissionTransmission Electron Microscope HF5000 Hitachi's unique 200 kV aberration-corrected TEM/STEM: the perfect harmony of imaging resolution and analytical performance 0.078 nm spatial resolution in STEM is achieved together with high specimen-tilt capability and large solid angle EDX ...
Electron MicroscopeHitachiThe new HT7700 120 kV transmission electron microscope (TEM) from Hitachi High-Technologies is set to make life much easier for microscopists. The revolutionary HT7700 features 100% integration of all functions into the graphical user interface. The HT7700 is the latest ...
High Resolution Schottky Scanning Electron MicroscopeSU3900SE/SE Plus SU3800SE/SE Plus Language SE Series Offering a Combination of High Performance and Versatility The SU3900SE/SU3800SE Series Microscopes are FE-SEMs that offer high-resolution observation capabilities. They combine easy data ...
A library of photos showing the beauty of metals, minerals, organisms, and more, created by using the Hitachi electron microscopes and computer graphic technology. Related Product Categories Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Sample Preparation
Hitachi's general-purpose atomic force microscope, Model AFM5100N, features superior ease of use, a wide range of capabilities, and extraordinary performance. The breakthrough hardware option, the self-sensing detector, doesn't require laser... Schottky Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope -...
Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) featuring improved electron optics, higher magnification, and built-in image processing to further enhance image quality and resolution Tabletop Microscopes TM4000PlusIII/TM4000III The TM4000PlusIII/TM4000III is the newest addition to a lineup of microscopes...
Official website of Hitachi, Ltd. Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society with data and technology. We will solve customers' and society's challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and p
Scanning Electron Microscope FlexSEM 1000 II Language FlexSEM 1000 II The FlexSEM 1000 II VP-SEM combines innovative technological features with an intuitive interface, to deliver adaptability and flexibility in a powerful, automated, lab-friendly package. Cutting-edge technology and circuitry provides ...