查看squid日志状态全是TCP_HIT,全被磁盘缓存住了,没有缓存到内存里面.查看了下squid的默认配置文件才发现 maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB 原来squid默认只会把小于8 KB的文件缓存到内存中.du命令看了下shufa.jpg有100K. 把此参数修改后全TCP_MEM_HIT了...^^ - - [15/Dec/2011:17:13...
Through this overview on TCP socket communication, I have shown what TCP sockets are, what they're used for and the complete flow of a TCP socket communication between one TCP socket server and a TCP socket client. I have also presented a practical example, so the reader can learn all con...
The hit listsLists the top 100 motion pictures according to traditional ranking in ticket grosses and according to total number of viewers. Titles; Grosses; Number of viewers.Entertainment Weekly
The amount of reads to these small files though indicates that thesefiles are read everytime. Is there not a way to get these into memory sothe TCP_IMS_HITs can be answered from memory rather than from disk? Istill have minimum_object_size to 0 and a large enoughmaximum_object_size for...
TCP_REFRESH_MISS- Appliance had the object in cache, but a check with the OCS (GET with the If-modified-since) indicated that the object was stale. Object was downloaded from the OCS and the new object was placed in cache. For a complete list of "action" field values please chec...
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 32721/beam.smp tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 32721/beam.smp tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 32721/beam.smp tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 32721/beam.smp tcp 0...
#include <iostream> #include <nghttp2/asio_http2_client.h> using boost::asio::ip::tcp; using namespace nghttp2::asio_http2; using namespace nghttp2::asio_http2::client; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { boost::system::error_code ec; boost::asio::io_service io_service; //...
Economic Prospects Hit Stocks in US and UKWorries over economic prospects on both sides of the Atlantic sent London shares lower for a second successive session yesterday.The FTSE 100 Index closed down 28.8 points at 3870.2 after GDP growth figures in the UK and US disappointed.The first ...
not able to get access to my virtual host (myhost.com) looking into squid access.log i got the next line: 1390867426.006 0 TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT/502 682 GEThttp://myhost.com/- NONE/- text/html Even I already rewrite my squid.conf with a one week old squid ...