查看squid日志状态全是TCP_HIT,全被磁盘缓存住了,没有缓存到内存里面.查看了下squid的默认配置文件才发现 maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB 原来squid默认只会把小于8 KB的文件缓存到内存中.du命令看了下shufa.jpg有100K. 把此参数修改后全TCP_MEM_HIT了...^^ - - [15/Dec/2011:17:13...
TCP_MISS- Object not found in cache, downloaded from the OCS. TCP_HIT- Object found in cache. TCP_NC_MISS- The request was made for an object that can't be cached. TCP_REFRESH_MISS- Appliance had the object in cache, but a check with the OCS (GET with the If-modified-since...
Istill have minimum_object_size to 0 and a large enoughmaximum_object_size for this to be in memory. In fact the object is inmemory as clients that don't send IMS requests do get the object via aTCP_MEM_HIT. Is there some reason why IMS requests are not answered frommemory ? Thanks...
Through this overview on TCP socket communication, I have shown what TCP sockets are, what they're used for and the complete flow of a TCP socket communication between one TCP socket server and a TCP socket client. I have also presented a practical example, so the reader can learn all con...
TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT The request was for a negatively-cached object. Negative-caching refers to caching certain types of errors, such as "404 Not Found." The amount of time these errors are cached is controlled with the negative_ttl configuration parameter. ...
MamMmaamlimanalipanitcphitcshesnesnasattiioonn issheasspeentdiabllyy sthhaepecdocbyhltehaer fluidThe Hopf cochlea not only reproduces the biologically observed amplitude profiles, but also the associated phase characteristics. Fig. 2a shows the phase propagation in the cochlea for the analog ...
there are no way to hit the system limit . ulimit -n 65535 ulimit unlimited ulimit -s 8192 netstat -nap|grep tcp (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) tcp 0 0* LISTEN...
TCP握手协议 在TCP/IP协议中,TCP协议提供可靠的连接服务,采用三次握手建立一个连接. 第一次握手:建立连接时,客户端发送syn包(syn=j)到服务器,并进入SYN_SEND状态,等待服务器确认; SYN:同步序列编号(Synchronize Sequence Numbers) 第二次握手:服务器收到syn包,必须确认客户的SYN(ack=j+1),同时自己也发送一个...
iperf3: A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool License View license 0 stars 1.3k forks Branches Tags Activity Star Notifications tongzhangHIT/iperf master 8 Branches44 Tags Code This branch is 467 commits behind esnet/iperf:master. Folders and files Latest commit bmah888...