I guess the difference between me and Nofar is that she doesn’t like being that way and one of the reasons she lied about being sexually assaulted by a celebrity is because of all the attention she was suddenly receiving. While I’m used to being an introverted girl with few friends an...
be successful in an attempt or accurate in a guess 尝试成功;猜中 hit-or-miss as likely to be unsuccessful as successful 可能成功也可能不成功,随意的 her work can be hit-or-miss. 她的工作可能行也可能不行。 hit the right note her work can be hit-or-miss. ...
Usually, I try setting an attribute of the thread object as a condition variable for the thread’s loop, and then set it to False externally, but sometimes this doesn’t work from program to program. My guess is that there’s some type of scope or scope-like problem happening, but if...
Usually, I try setting an attribute of the thread object as a condition variable for the thread’s loop, and then set it to False externally, but sometimes this doesn’t work from program to program. My guess is that there’s some type of scope or scope-like problem happening, but if...
ust to confirm, I did fix all the "Reverse" HSLs to be "Forward", rebuilt, and confirmed LNM picks everything up just fine. Looking good now! Perfect. I'll report this to Asobo if MSFS 2024 has the same issues. If I can read their BGLs at all. Have to see. I guess Asobo do...
to come or light upon; meet with; find:to hit the right road. to agree with; suit exactly:I'm sure this purple shirt will hit Alfred's fancy. to solve or guess correctly; come upon the right answer or solution:You've hit it!
to solve or guess correctly; come upon the right answer or solution: You've hit it! to succeed in representing or producing exactly: to hit a likeness in a portrait. to begin to travel on: Let's hit the road. What time shall we hit the trail? —v.i. to strike with a missile,...
及物动词miss hit hit 相关词组 1. hit off : 把...打掉, 适合; 2. make a hit : 获得成功; 3. hit on : 偶然发现; 4. hit up : 请求; 5. hit out at : 挥拳向...猛击, 猛烈抨击; hit 相关例句 及物动词 1. The reviews hit the news play. ...
to come or light upon; meet with;find: to hit the right answer. to agree with; suit exactly: I'm sure this purple shirt will hit Alfred's fancy. to solve or guess correctly; come upon the right answer or solution: You've hit it!
Millions miss for one that hits. To guess; to light upon or discover. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Thou hast hit it. (transitive) To affect negatively. The economy was hit by a recession. The hurricane hit his fishing business hard. (heading, games) To make a play. (...