Iexistonlytoserve. 噢得了,我们都知道你 Ohsure.Weallknowyou. 你连自己的亲妈都会敲诈 Youblackmailedyourownmother. 安静,这种猴子不尊重仸何家族的领地 Quiet!Thismonkeyrespectsnofamilyterritory. 因此,所有家族成员都有责仸为打败它做出贡献 Andsoitfallstoallfamiliestocontributetohisdefeat. ...
NELSON: The day before you have a hit, it doesn’t sound so bad. The day you have a hit, you’re like, “Well, I guess it’ll just be that way.” And the day after you have a hit, you’re like, “God, I don’t want this to be my whole life.” ...
• The…— Centro LEAKS (@CentroLeaks) October 18, 2024 Click to expand... I guess that feature got replaced by finding satchels, but I kinda wish it had stayed. It’s a fun little tie-in to DP, and it would have been nice for Ursaluna to have th...
But my source — and again, this is from Braun's end and not MLB — familiar with the test's findings says the "prohibited substance" was not a performance-enhancing drug or steroid of any kind. And the source says there has "never" been a result like this in the history of the M...
Imean,Iwasexpectingastripmallsituation, 或者一个soho办公室之类的 maybeahomeoffice. 通常能找到一个叫"会计"的人的地方 That'susuallywhereyoufindaguycalled"TheAccountant." 但是拜托!我猜我们需要进入一个监狱 Butno!Guesswe'rebreakingintoaprisontoday!
I'msorry,MissYokohama, 但没有证据可以证明这个 butthere'snoevidencetoprovethat. 谁说的 Accordingtowho? 噢,呃...根据我们的资料 Well,uh,accordingtooursources 还有警方的工作 andpolicework. 我猜这是在开玩笑是吧 Guessthat's‐that'sajoke,right?
你永远不会知道什么时候就会有个想打你的人出现了 You never know who a new owner could trade. 你永远不会知道谁会成为新老板的交易对象 I fold. 我不跟 You have been folding all night. 你整晚就没跟过 Guess you didnt get your pops killer instinct. 我猜你没有遗传到你hearts;爸hearts;爸的...
你有你的伴儿 我也有我的 I thought you were better than this. 我以为你不至于这样 Well, I guess you thought wrong. 那你是错了 Just when I thought you couldnt sink any lower, 我还以为你不至于这么恶心了 you find a new pile of shit to limbo under. 你又整了一堆恶心的东西 Oh, Im not...
i learn something everyday about this music. it never ends. Damn..I feel stupid I didn't even read the full topic..Rabble your post definetly made sense. I thought it was just "HITS" and I was thinking.. " Huh? when was "MURDER RAP" ever a hit?". So being that we're talik...
hit and run《肇事逃逸(2021)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,前情提要 Previously on Hit Run: 如果你想搬到纽约… If you have to move to New York… 说不定我根本得不到那份工作 I probably wont even get the job. 会有很多舞者参加这次试演 Therefll be tons