The meaning of HIT is to reach with or as if with a sudden blow. How to use hit in a sentence.
The meaning of HIT is to reach with or as if with a sudden blow. How to use hit in a sentence.
28. more than meets the eye hidden motives, meaning, or facts 29. pick the eyes out Austral and NZ to select the best parts or pieces (of) 30. see eye to eye to agree (with) 31. set eyes on lay eyes on clap eyes on (usually used with a negative) to see: she had never laid...
Ralph is on myhit listfor contributing money for the orphans. 为孤儿捐钱的名单上有拉尔夫的名字. 期刊摘选 An otter called Xin Xing meaning the new star became number one on herhit list. 一只名叫新星的水獭成了她名单上的首位受益者.
practice and constantly updated and improved their emotional intelligence. Later, PUA generally refers to those who are attractive to the opposite sex and their related behaviors. However, as it spread wider, the communicating method changed ...
That was certainly my dear, aged mother's approach to illness many years ago on that misty,mythical island. According to her, she rubbed my gums with whiskey when I was a teething infant and "never gave a bit of trouble" as a result. (This also may explain a fair amount about my su...
1. Bite off more than you can chew好高骛远Meaning: to take on more than you can handle意思是:承担超出你所能承受的Example: I bit off more than I could chew when I signed up for the extracurricular activities after school.在报名参加放学后的课外活动时,我太好高骛远了。
Meaning: The phrasehit the nail on the headmeans to do or say something that is exactly right. Example:Amelia bought new furniture for her house and she wanted to see if her friend would notice, so she asked, “Do you notice anything different about the living room?” After thinking abou...
Meaning: Someone who reads a lot. 意思是:一个经常阅读的人。 Example: Everyone knows she’s a real bookworm so she only got books for her birthday. 每个人都知道她是个真正的书呆子,所以她只有生日的书。 Brainstorm 头脑风暴 Meaning: to think of new ideas ...
The meaning of HIT UP is to ask (someone) for something (such as money). How to use hit up in a sentence.