Childhood, generational order and the welfare state: Exploring children’s social and economic welfare. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark. Google Scholar Alanen, L., & Mayall, B. (2001). Conceptualizing child-adult relations. London: Falmer. Google Scholar Alston, P. (1994). The...
child abuseSince the 1990s, an increasing number of inquiries into the history of children's out-of-home care have shown that child welfare sometimes failed to protect children. In this Special Issue, we explore how the Nordic countries have responded to allegations and scandals of historical ...
While the Americans had the money, machines and manpower and were further along in doing psychiatric epidemiology than the Brits, there was no national system for collecting mental hospital statistics in the US. The UK’s National Health Service and the statistics of the General Register Office ...
"...we knew well what it is to endure physical hardship, but our poor lost nothing of their self-respect and dignity. Our great men not only divided their last kettle of food with a neighbor, but if great grief should come to them, such as the death of child or wife, they would v...
Social security benefits are part of the safety net that provides for Americans who are unable to work. Most Americans interact with the system when they reach retirement age, but social security also provides for people who are disabled. Social security benefits vary depending on your income and...
They argue that the policies were beneficial and intended to protect children, and that systematic mistreatment never occurred and parents supported the interventions. I locate the apologetic literature in larger accounts of child welfare. Their ethical framework is established and attention is given to...
Nader Shah, or Nader Qoli Beg was born in Kobhan, Iran, on October 22, 1688, into one of the Turkish tribes loyal to theSafavidshahs of Iran. He was the son of a poor peasant, who lived in Khorasan and died while Nader was still a child. Nader and his mother were carried off ...
The Social Security tax pays for the retirement, disability, andsurvivor benefitsthat millions of Americans receive each year under theOld-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Program, the official name for Social Security in the U.S. The U.S. Social Security system is projected to...
This chapter aims to show how diverse institutional influences, in a context where the impact of colonialism is ongoing, shape the social identities of young Indigenous people. Stereotypical images of Indigenous people pervade Australian society and the
The History of Pediatric Infectious Diseases STANFORD T. SHULMAN Northwestern University, The Feinberg School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, The Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL 60614 U.S.A. ABSTRACT The history of Pediatric Infectious Diseases closely parallels the history of ...