the mother would attend special church services with her family. The Lenten fasting rules were relaxed for that day. (Often, the gospel for the day was about Jesus feeding the crowd with loaves of
In most states child welfare agencies use voluntary kinship arrangements on a fairly limited basis when caseworkers believe that children face low risk of abuse or neglect. One of the four states studied, Alabama, is representative of a handful of states nationwide that use voluntary kinship care...
doi:10.1093/sw/41.5.561TracyMandel School of Applied Social Sciences Case Western Reserve UniversityClevelandElizabethMandel School of Applied Social Sciences Case Western Reserve UniversityClevelandSocial Work
“Bottom line, there had to be some kind of real and substantial connection between the law itself and a legitimate purpose, which was the public’s health, safety and welfare,” saysAnthony Sandersat the Institute for Justice. What Was the Impact of Jacobson v. Massachusetts?
When did the DREAM Act begin? When was the executive branch established? When was the NSA created? When was the death penalty established? When did torture become illegal? When was the criminal justice system established in the U.K.?
daughter rather than me. My mom e4.that though Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could replace me in the family. She said I was the only person who could fill my role. She made me r5.that even if I made mistakes, I was a beloved member of the family who could replaced...
There were always girls that I liked; I knew they liked me too. It wasn't until my early teens that I realized most people regarded being queer as taboo and that my religious family would have a problem with it.Jordan, Tenaja
A systematic, nonjudgmental, and empathic approach to gathering information, working with the family, welfare, and legal representatives is described. Enacting a complex and court-mandated homecare education regimen to the disabled mother is discussed. Preparation to testify in a termination of ...
This painting, showing high mountains, trees, and houses covered in snow, was made with extraordinary skill. Though it is over 500 years old, it looks as fresh and full of life as the day it was created. 此次展览的重头戏是唐寅(1470-1524)的巨作之《函关雪霁图》。唐寅出生于明朝,但未能...
States like Connecticut, New Mexico, Washington and Colorado have revised laws to divert substance-exposed infants who are not under threat of abuse or neglect away from the child welfare system. Others, like Massachusetts, havelegislation pendingthat would shield mothers who are taking prescribed med...