providing refuge to Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany functions as a hegemonic narrative that reinforces the United Kingdom's "heroic" position and constructs the Syrian conflict as involving an oppressive dictator and innocent refugees in need to help, thereby legitimizing support for Syrian ...
InTurkey: Late Cold War: 1974 Cyprus crisis and balancing relations with the West and the Soviet Union Turkey’s relations with Syria were adversely affected by Syria’s support for Kurdish rebels and by Syrian concern over the construction of the Atatürk Dam in southeastern Turkey, which threat...
What is the Syrian Civil War? How did the Syrian Civil War begin? Who are the major combatants in the Syrian Civil War? Have chemical weapons been used in the Syrian Civil War? What has been the humanitarian impact of the Syrian Civil War?
Arab and Israeli forces clashed for the third time June 5–10, 1967, in what came to be called theSix-Day War(or June War). In early 1967Syriaintensified its bombardment of Israeli villages from positions in theGolan Heights. When the Israeli Air Force shot down six SyrianMiGfighter jets...
Syrian business man Alfine Fuad (right) shows how he smuggled his soon-to-be-wife Elke Köller (back) and her children Thomas (front) and Heike (middle) through Checkpoint Charlie from East Berlin to the western part of the city on March 16, 1976. A tunnel getaway near the building ...
16-Mar-21 World View -- After ten years, Qatar seeks to become Syria war mediator: Syrian war timeline... (16-Mar-2021) 6-Mar-21 World View -- Violence escalates dangerously in Myanmar / Burma: Consequences of a new Burma civil war... (6-Mar-2021) 19-Feb-21 World View -- ...
Though coming into the position with little experience in the matter, Meherbi’s active lobbying on behalf of the refugees and his adamant stance on refugee return has won him the praise of several NGOs and the U.N. With the Syrian Civil War seemingly approaching its end, the Minister’s...
Monday, October 4th, 1971: The Federation of Arab Republics announces that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat will assume the office of President of the Federation; despite the support of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi and Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, the election of Sadat as President of the Feder...
The displacement of civilian populations resulting from the war would have long-term consequences, as 300,000 Palestinians fled the West Bank and about 100,000 Syrians left the Golan to become refugees. Across the Arab world, Jewish minority communities were expelled, with refugees going to ...
Syrian business man Alfine Fuad (right) shows how he smuggled his soon-to-be-wife Elke Köller (back) and her children Thomas (front) and Heike (middle) through Checkpoint Charlie from East Berlin to the western part of the city on March 16, 1976. ...