In the UK,Wilkinson and Hardy (2001)have written the history of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.Fee and Acheson (1991)edited a collection of papers on thehistory of educationin public health in Britain and the U.S. There have been no general accounts of the history of ...
ROYAL College of Nursing (Great Britain)COMMUNITY health nursingEXHIBITIONSPUBLIC healthHISTORYRCN exhibition explores the history of public health nursing in the UK. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants , 10(10), p. 518doi:10.12968/bjha.2016.10.10.518...
It was the Victorian Era, from 1837 to 1901, that is notable for the formalization of public health practices. The efforts of social reformers such as Sir Edwin Chadwick and John Snow, along with huge advances in science and medicine during this period, set the scene for the development of...
A clerk in the UK government’s War Office, he was a keen and talented young amateur astronomer — he was later to co-discover the element helium in the corona of the Sun, using a spectroscope. Lockyer frequently shared a train carriage to London with publisher John Ludlow and author ...
There is a “growing divergence” between the subject’s popularity and the job security of historians in UK institutions, according to the Royal Historical Society (RHS). Its report finds that history is in “good health” as a subject of study – it is one of the most popular subjects...
The British monarch is the head of state and nation. Nevertheless, both have separate responsibilities. They are the highest representative of the UK on both national and international agendas. Britain operates under a constitutional monarchy, allowing the monarch to hold status as the kingdom's fi...
In Germany, testing and treatment of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) services are not provided by one medical discipline, but rather dispersed among many different providers. Common STIs like gonorrhoea or Chlamydia infection are not routinely r
Worldhistoryis an increasingly exciting subject for books. In a sign of the vitality of the field, it was a book of global history covering several millennia about the human history of the oceans—David Abulafia'sThe Boundless Sea—that won the UK's most prestigious prize, the Wolfson Histo...
Modern immigration is a highly regulated procedure governing the mobility of peoples between sovereign jurisdictions. This procedure has been progressively refined since the late eighteenth century through mechanisms of government that have frequently deployed the apparatus of criminal law. In this chapter ...
Geography of Chile | Overview, Population & Facts Ch 5.General Astronomy Ch 6.General Health and Medicine Ch 7.General Physics Ch 8.General Earth Science Ch 9.General Pre-Historic Union Jack | UK Flag History, Design & SymbolismRelated Study Materials ...