Health:History,Methods, andApplications DouglasA.LukeandJenineK.Harris DepartmentofCommunityHealth,SchoolofPublicHealth,SaintLouisUniversity, St.Louis,Missouri63104; Annu.Rev.PublicHealth2007.28:69–93 TheAnnualReviewofPublicHealthisonlineat ...
Public Health in History Public health reform and the emergence of school nursing British Journal of School Nursing Vol 6, No 6doi:10.12968/bjsn.2011.6.6.304WrightJaneBritish Journal of School Nursing
In Germany, testing and treatment of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) services are not provided by one medical discipline, but rather dispersed among many different providers. Common STIs like gonorrhoea or Chlamydia infection are not routinely r
A General History of Nursing An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only. LEAHY,M Kathleen - 《American Journal of Public Health》 被引量: 26发表: 1933年 Service to the poor: the foundations of community nursing in England, Ireland and New South Wales. This paper ...
public void validate() Validates the instance.value public List value() Get the value property: A list of workflow request histories. Returns: the value value.withNextLink public RequestHistoryListResult withNextLink(String nextLink) Set the nextLink property: The URL to get the next set...
56, 57 The decline has continued to the present time, largely unaffected by the institution of public health programs or effective chemotherapy, and today tuberculosis incidences in Europe and North America are at historic lows. Elsewhere, especially in Subsaharan Africa where it is fueled by ...
(2005) 161-168 BEGIN TABLE MARGINS #include virtual="/journals/includes/alignment/articletable_top.htinc" #include virtual="/includes/fontselect.htinc" BEGIN BUTTONS // --> END BUTTONS #include virtual="/journals/button_includes/noscriptbuttons1.htinc" [Access article in PDF] End of top ...
Introduction: History of Sexual Medicine Emmanuele A. Jannini 1 1.1 Introduction Life, biologically speaking and limited to crea- tures who do not clone themselves, always arises from a sexual act. Although in an age of medi- cally assisted reproduction, this paradigm may have innovative... OPEN A Large-scale Survey of CRF55_01B from Men-Who-Have-Sex-with- Men in China: implying the received: 30 June 2015 accepted: 11 November 2015 Published: 15 December 2015 Evolutionary History and Public Health Impact Xiaoxu Han1,Yutaka Takebe1,3, ...
17 Jun 20248 mins feature Cyber resilience: A business imperative CISOs must get right 16 May 202412 mins Show me more news analysis PostgreSQL patches SQLi vulnerability likely exploited in BeyondTrust attacks By Lucian Constantin 13 Feb 20255 mins ...