A history of cancer was defined as being confirmed diagnosis with malignant neoplasms (ICD-10 codes: C00-D09) before the index date (i.e., initial health check-up). Additionally, we extracted information regarding the diagnosis of certain cancer types which are reportedly more prevalent in Japan...
In a 10-subject study, PICD DFT was 7.6 ± 3.3 J, and the conventional ICD system demonstrated a mean DFT of 9.5 ± 4.7 J (N = 10; paired t test, P = .28). Unfortunately however, a chronic animal study revealed problems of lead dislodgement, loss of capture, and perforation. ...
17 The Danish National Patient Registry contains disease histories coded according to the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) dating back to the introduction of ICD-10 terminology in Denmark in 1994. ICD-10 terminology is organised into levels: 21 chapters, 227 ...
However, the majority of patients with PMT are asymptomatic. Physical examination The examination findings may confirm tachycardia and may be otherwise unremarkable, except for presence of a pacemaker or ICD. [10] Cannon A waves may be seen in the neck due to early activation of the atria ...
Comprehensive overview of conditions, symptoms, treatment options and side effects related to heart attacks, HealthChoicesFirst.com
Multivariable Cox models were used to assess associations between conduction abnormalities and a composite outcome including all-cause mortality, heart failure hospitalizations, placement of a permanent pacemaker, and placement of implanted cardiac defibrillator (ICD) or cardiac resynchronization therapy ...
AF: Key players in the DP went on to reform both the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and in the latter case the DP’s results were used as leverage to replace psychodynamic concepts with ostensibly testab...
The NSW CCR does not collect data on the specific cause of non-cancer deaths; as such we could not report characteristics or outcomes by cause of death beyond the label 'non-cancer'. Note that in a similar cohort, we found that the most common causes of death were heart failure, ...
historyofCVD,theadjustedincidencerateratios(95%CI)ofMACEwere1.28(1.12-1.46)and 1.62(1.14-2.30)formildandseveredisease,respectively.Inpatientswithpsoriasisbutwithoutafamily historyofCVD,therewasnoincreasedriskofMACE. Limitations:Resultsmaynotapplytolate-onsetpsoriasis. Conclusions:AfamilyhistoryofCVDpredictedthe...
Total cardiovascular morbidity (ICD codes 0–50) included hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, and atrial fibrillation. Infectious disease indicates a h...Goebeler S, Jylha M, Hervonen A. Medical history, cognitive status and mobility at the age of ...