Heart failurecardiomyopathyimplantable cardioverter-defibrillatorGiven recent advances in both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic strategies for improving outcomes related to chronic systolic heart failure, heart failure with recovered ejection fraction (HFrecEF) is now recognized as a distinct clinical entity ...
因此,基于指南,选择接受除颤器是合理的,但除颤器并不能增加有植入CRT-P适应证的患者的总临床效益。 来源:Huang D, et al. Biventricular pacemaker and defibrillator implantation in patients with chronic heart failure in China. ESC Heart Fai...
参考文献: 1. Yafasova A, Butt JH, Elming MB, et al. Long-term Follow-up of the The Danish Study to Assess the Efficacy of ICDs in Patients with Non-ischemic Systolic Heart Failure on Mortality (DANISH). Circulation. 2022; 145: 427–436. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056072. Epub ahea...
3. Hindricks G, et al. Implant-based multiparameter telemonitoring of patients with heart failure (IN-TIME): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2014;384:583-590. 4. Simone A,et al. Remote monitoring improves outcome after ICD implantation: the ...
1MyerbergRJ,CastellanosA.Cardiacarrestandsuddencardiacdeath.BraunwaldE.HeartDisease,ATextbookofCardiovascularMedicine.5thed,Vol.Philadelphia:WBSaundersCo;1997:chapter24.. LVEF<30%的患者发生SCA的危险性极高LVEF与SCA 1Gorgels,PMAOut-of-hospitalcardiacarrest-therelevanceofheartfailure.TheMaastrichtCirculatoryArrest...
(CRT) significantly improves functional status, exercise duration, left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction, death from progressive congestive heart failure (CHF), and hospitalization for CHF in patients with moderate-to-severe CHF, an abnormal LV ejection fraction, and a QRS duration on the ...
Background:Heart failure (HF) is a leading cause of hospitalization in older adults. Medicare data have been used to assess HF outcomes. However, the validity of ICD-10 diagnosis codes (used since 2015) to identify acute HF hospitalization or distinguish reduced (heart failure with reduced eject...
SCA是最常见的死亡原因之一 地区全球美国欧洲 发病人数3,000,0002450,0003400,0004 生存率<1%2~5%2<5%4 1MMWR.Vol51(6)Feb.15,2002.2MyerbergRJ,CatellanosA.CardiacArrestandSuddenCardiacDeath.In:BraunwaldE,ed.HeartDisease:ATextbookofCardiovascularMedicine.5thEd.NewYork:WBSaunders.1997:742-779.
西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院心内科 王东琦,icd心脏性猝死的一级预防,2,现代SCD的定义,1) 临床上有心脏骤停的证据 (2) 从突发症状到死亡的时间在1小时之内 (3)原因不明的死亡,之前 24小时内病人情况良好 注意: SCD (Sudden Cardiac Death) and SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) 两者的定义有所不同,Kim SG....
Combining imaging and electrophysiologic modalities offers promise for improved accuracy in future selection of patients with heart failure for ICD placement.doi:10.1016/j.jcmg.2009.07.013Myron C. GersonMouhamad AbdallahJames N. MuthAlexandru I. Costea...