The group’s stated objectives were to “aid in the establishment and maintenance of Homes for aged and indigent Odd Fellows and their wives, the care, education, and support of orphans of deceased Odd Fellows and deceased sisters of the Rebekah degree” as well as to cultivate social relation...
masonic temples, elks lodges, casinos, camp sites, coca-cola bottling plants, indian bingo halls, country inns, furniture stores, and other potential relocation facilities. in arkansas, agents lined up a meeting with walmart executives to discuss using the company’s huge stores for project 908,...
to set up a new “Grand Lodge,” and in which they declared themselves independent of any other Lodge-which declaration was in itself a plain proclamation that in their own eyes they were a clandestine society, and therefore not entitled by either Masonic or civil ...
THE EARLY ENGLISH MASONIC GUILDS O Brother William James Hughan are we indebt- ed, more than to any other person, for the collec- tion and publication of all the Masonic Guild ordinances that have been preserved in the Brit- ish Museum, in the archives of old Lodges, or in private ...
Whilst through his representatives at the Court of France he was able to create discord between Versailles and Vienna and bring discredit on Marie Antoinette, through his allies in the masonic lodges and in the secret societies he was able to reach the people of France. The gold and the ...
carry out their religious rites unmolested, that they have been admitted to society, to masonic lodges, and to all offices of State and have met with increasing tolerance and favour, has done nothing to moderate that hatred of Christianity inculcated throughout nineteen centuries of Rabbinical ...
Illegitimate born son of George II, consolidated the Royal Arch and was the first Grand Master of the Masonic Knights Templar. Acted as Grand Master for the warranted lodges in Quebec. Dunn, Alexander Robert Canadian soldier who won Canada’s first Victoria Cross at the Charge of the Light Br...
These two Lodges, 18 and 23, were formed in 1809 from an older Lodge, No. 933, Newry, warranted in 1803. But from the fact that in Newry there still works the oldest Masonic Lodge in Ulster, warranted in 1737 and also from the fact that. Warrant No. 16, originally, granted in l73...
"any member working under the English Jurisdiction . . . violates his Obligation by being present at or assisting in assemblies professing to be Masonic which are attended by women." Warnings to this effect have been frequently given in the Lodges; on September 3, 1919, the Board of General...