Georges Remi, georgina, get out, ghetto boy, god bes, god pan, GOD PTAH, grand lodge of scotland, greek mythology, Green Dragon Inn, green mile, Harappa, harvey Weinstein, Hauptsturmführer SS Josef Mengele, Heart of Darkness, Heinrich Himmler, Helen Bannerman, Hennes & Mauritz, Henry Olus...
black institutions,Black Manchurian Candidates,Black Sabbath,blood covenants,blood oaths,BOULE,christianity,CIA,civil war,cyborg,cyborg warfare,cyborgs,devil,Devil’s Bible,false prophets,freemason,freemasons,genocide,Hip Hop,HIP HOP false prophets,hip hop satanic cult,hollywood satanic cult,illuminati,Kany...
In 2005, Wendy Williams hired me to be her co-host, and I worked with her until 2009. Afterward, I was hired to be the host of “Charlemagne and The Morning Beat” on 100.3 The Beat in Philly. After 13 years in radio, I ended up as a member of “The Breakfast Club” on Power ...
Finally, let me brieflypull the veiloff another “open the gatesof hell”matter in the White House.In 2010,CNNreported on “Freemasons in the U.S.” Congress,DemocratSenator Jon Testerof Montana was featured on the program as a Freemason.SenatorTesterwas the top Democrat on theSenate Veterans...
The ideas of the Vienna Lodge were later continued by the Tempelhofgesellschaft. In the 2016 book “Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires” the goryhistoryof cannibalism is detailed: “For well over two hundred years in early-modern Europe, the rich and the poor, the educated and the illiterate all...
(Revelation 18), the collapse of the US Petro-Dollar, the rise of the One World Crypto-currency, the emergence of Martial Law and a Surveillance Police State, and One World Religion. As the Freemason motto indicates (Ordo Ab C...
WhenChaunceycame into my office, he asked theFBIinformant about my office time and work schedule. I suspected that he had been assigned to set me up, but they didn’t appreciate the fact that Chauncey and I had a long history of mistrust, and maybe even fear of each other. Chauncey was...
As the legend goes, Maria Orsic held fateful meeting was held in 1919 at a hunting lodge (magical place) near Berchtesgaden called the Berghof that belonged to Kommerzienrat (Secret Commercial Council of the Reich) Otto Winter. The hunting lodge and “Get Out”, the movie, will be discussed...
David was a Freemason initiated into the “La Moderation” Lucifer’s Masonic Lodge.[43] Freemason Robespierre was the minister. Many hymns were heard, including Freemason Marie Joseph Chénier’s famous hymn: God of the people, of kings, of cities, of the countryside, Of Luther, of Calvin,...
Yet, history has proven that we were not wrong to stand up for the people, and theVietnamesepeople on the other side of midnight, and the world. I said that to say this. We,consciously from the very beginning, controlled thelanguage, definitions, words,termsandconditionsof theresistanceand...