It was a very popular bar with a crowd of white gay men in their 20s and 30s. At that time, the big divide (although generally friendly) was between the more established gays–who were well groomed, nicely dressed, and held jobs–and the counter-culture hippies with long hair, beards,...
Last time, we covered stories like Lichtenstein’s army returning from war with one more man than they left with, and how a Russian Emperor was so obsessed with looking modern that he forced his courtiers to cut off their beards. Well, it seems there’s no end to the crazy historical st...
One example: Beards on men meant different things at different times based on the Generation. What military position died at a higher rank? Generals Did Confederate generals or Yankee generals die at a higher rate? Confederate What percent of black soldiers died in the civil war? 22% What is...
Before facial hair came back into style in the 19th century, it was considered genuinely offensive. By the 18th century,beards were considered a sign of criminal behaviorand sinister intent. You did not want to be caught walking around with a beard. ...
It seems that soldiers believed that the short hair requirement was nothing short of self-mutilation. Beards were forbidden in theArmyof the early Republic and soldiers were required to shave a minimum of three days a week, at least while in garrison. A major change in military hair rules oc...
In the essay below, Kastan argues that Henry's moral certitude prevents him from questioning the justice of his cause or permitting anyone else to challenge it.
II. The History of David - Genealogy of Saul. Jeiel, the founder of Gibeon, dwelt in Gibeon; his wife’s name was Maacah. His firstborn son was Abdon;
In the 1960s, vibrant and psychedelic colors flourished, and rock-and-roll music filled the stage. Classic bands such as Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones brought rock music alive. Men with long hair and beards and women with short skirts replaced the conservative fashion trends of the 1950...
military equipment with the risk of children recognizing these types of weapons from hostilities around the world. Instead, the LEGO Group supports children, stimulating their imagination by launching only historical and fantasy weapons. The Pirates theme is the first to feature firearms such as flint...
palettes. Some burials included rectangular coffins and most contained only one body. They contained goods made of hard and soft stone. These included disc-shaped mace heads and human figurines of hunters or warriors with beards. Context suggests the Naqada people sawbeards as symbols of power....