their beards, great numbers of whom had red hair. Vancouver found a people in the vicinity of the Columbia, whose language differed from that of their neighbours, and whose features resembled the northern Europeans. Lewis and Clark, though they pursued a ditferent branch of the Missouri than ...
Last time, we covered stories like Lichtenstein’s army returning from war with one more man than they left with, and how a Russian Emperor was so obsessed with looking modern that he forced his courtiers to cut off their beards. Well, it seems there’s no end to the crazy historical st...
1972 – Through the devotion and love of many students, Guru Ram Das Ashrams grew across the United States, Central and Southern America, Canada, Europe and Japan. In almost every major city in the United States, one could see the white clothes, white turbans and long, flowing beards of...
SGT. SALTPETER returns to celebrate the 25th anniversary of BLOOD,GUTS & PUSSY proving that those infuriating emo-beards aren’t just for the youngsters anymore. BLAG produces the SVETLANAS breakout LP Naked Horse Rider featuring a cameo by VLADIMIR PUTIN’s golden retriever SPARKY VLADOVICH. Acros...
The local recruiting office enlisted Deborah Sampson under the name of “Thomas Thayer” of Carver. Her lack of facial hair did not give her away, since recruiters were signing up adolescents who were too young to grow beards. Because someone had remarked about the manner in which she held ...
The Norse word “skellring” is a term of contempt. It means, roughly, a “babarian.” But what caught my eye . . . was the word “hairy.” The Norse were a hairy people themselves, big men with matted hair and beards. Why did they remark on the “skellring” being hairy? Was ...
The Sikh look in the military began to evolve into its modern incarnation in the late 19th century (the 1870s). In particular, Sikhs serving the British began tying their flowing uncut beards in nets, and the Nok Pagh became neater, albeit quite large. ...
A Tall Tower in the Northwest In northwest there is a tower proud; It stands as high as floating cloud. Its curtained lattice window flares Between the eaves and flights of stairs. Music from there comes to my ear, Its sound so sad,its tune so drear. ...
A clean flame. How many fresh-faced boys, whose beards had yet to thicken, let alone the stoic veterans, from Punjab, Maharashtra, Carnatica and countless others contemplated the horror of being tipped into the cold, brown darkness, never to feel the warmth of rebirth given by that clean fl...
We noticed the addition of carved pupils, beginning with Antoninus Pius, and increasing in sophistication through the years. The exhibit caption noted the emergence of beards after the Greek fashion beginning with Hadrian. The bust of Alexander Severus, showed him with a beard, but a rather insub...