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A bone section is always also a slice in time of ontogeny. The actual tissue types and their associations in a section first and foremost express the succession of events that took place at that very level during bone development. They can be fully understood only if they are integrated into...
DE2640966A1 * Sep 11, 1976 Mar 16, 1978 Juergen Dr Eitenmueller Preparing histological sections of non-decalcified bone compact - by impregnating with and embedding in methyl methacrylate, polymerising and sawing
Journal of Forensic SciencesAbsolonova, K.; Veleminsky, P.; Dobisikova, M.; Beran, M.; Zocova, J. 2013. Histological Estimation of Age at Death from the Compact Bone of Burned and Unburned Human Ribs. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58(s1): S135- S145....
Summary This chapter contains section titled: Compact bone in the dog Human bone Remarks Acknowledgements References Discussiondoi:10.1002/9780470715222.ch4P. LacroixJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdLACROIX, P. (1956). The histological remodelling of adult bone. In Ciba Foundation Symposium on Bone Structure ...
The impact of burial period on compact bone microstructure: Histological analysis of matrix loss and cell integrity in human bones exhumed from tropical soilRafael Dias Astolphi aMaria Teresa de Seixas Alves aMartin Paul Evison bRaffaela Arrabaa Francisco c...
Blue Histology - Skeletal Tissues - Bone Histological Organisation of BoneCells, BoneOssification, IntramembranousOssification, EndochondralBone, CompactBone, TrabecularDisc, Epiphyseal
Figure 8.Important histological and histochemical features of the buccal cavity in three-month-oldC. idellajuveniles (fingerlings). (A) Longitudinal section of the upper lip (ul), upper jaw (uj), oral valve (ov), rostral palate (p), lower lip (ll), lower jaw (lj), oral floor (of),...
However, given the volatility of the RGEO, it was possible to generate a slightly porous structure, as can be seen in the microstructure analysis of the surface and the cross-section of the films. The cytotoxicity analysis of the CS+RGEO compositions by the hemolysis technique agreed with in...
Compact bonestem cellzygomatic defectbone marrowadipose tissueIn stem cell applications, apart from bone marrow and adipose tissue, compact bone is also used as an alternative. However, studies on this subject are limited. In our study, we investigated the effect of stem cell derived from compact...