Absolonova, K.; Veleminsky, P.; Dobisikova, M.; Beran, M.; Zocova, J. 2013. Histological Estimation of Age at Death from the Compact Bone of Burned and Unburned Human Ribs. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58(s1): S135- S145.
Enlow during his early career, when he was involved in palaeohistology and comparative histology of bone. (Photo via Prof. Mary Schweitzer). Fig. 1. Donald H. Enlow au début de sa carrière, quand il se consacrait à la paléohistologie et à l’histologie comparative de l’os. (Photo...
Evans, F. G. and Bang, S., 1966, "Physical and Histological Differences between Human Fibular and Femoral Compact Bone," in Studies of the Anatomy and Function of Bone and Joints, F. G. Evans, Ed. Springer, Berlin, pp. 142-155....
Compact bonestem cellzygomatic defectbone marrowadipose tissueIn stem cell applications, apart from bone marrow and adipose tissue, compact bone is also used as an alternative. However, studies on this subject are limited. In our study, we investigated the effect of stem cell derived from compact...
Yoshino M,Narasaki S.Histological estimation of age at death using microradiographs of humeral compact bone. Forensic Science International . 1994Yoshino M, Kazuhiko I, Sachio M, et al. Histological estimation of age at death using microradiographs of humeral compact bone[J]. Forensic Science ...
DE2640966A1 * Sep 11, 1976 Mar 16, 1978 Juergen Dr Eitenmueller Preparing histological sections of non-decalcified bone compact - by impregnating with and embedding in methyl methacrylate, polymerising and sawing
Blue Histology - Skeletal Tissues - Bone Histological Organisation of BoneCells, BoneOssification, IntramembranousOssification, EndochondralBone, CompactBone, TrabecularDisc, Epiphyseal
The impact of burial period on compact bone microstructure: Histological analysis of matrix loss and cell integrity in human bones exhumed from tropical soilRafael Dias Astolphi aMaria Teresa de Seixas Alves aMartin Paul Evison bRaffaela Arrabaa Francisco c...