Panchang Author: Pundit Mahesh Shastriji, Seattle, WA USA, Panchang Siddhanti, Drigganithacharya, Dharmashastracharya, Panchanga Ganitha Inspiration: Late Pundit Maganlal Devshanker Shastriji Works best with Google Chrome BrowserAdvertisement Data on your Website Please contact us to display panchang...
Welcome to the wordwide website of Siddhar Peedam Group of Temples, Centers, and Ashrams. Now we Hindus who are living in USA and Canada are very blessed to have a " Living Siddhar" in USA. Yes that's right . . . Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is the " only" living Siddhar in the ...
Modi has asked people to publicly celebrate the consecration by lighting lamps at homes and temples. The message is clear: Mobilization of Hindu voters will be a key issue in the upcoming national election as Modi looks to extend his rule for a record third-consecutiv...
Ashtami Rohini 2024 date in USA – August 26 (As per PST in Seattle, Vancouver BC, California and Oregon.Ashtami Rohini 2024 date in USA – August 26 (As per MST, CST, EST in Denvor (CO), Chicago (IL), New York (NY) and many other cities and states of USA....
The Sangh Parivar's project to Hinduize India has accelerated with the landslide victory of BJP leader Narendra Modi and his inauguration as Prime Minister of India in 2014. Some of the manifestations of this phenomenon as reported by theWashington Postare as as follows: ...