Seattle Buddhist TempleSeattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple 2.0 热度 3.7分 3条点评 “听佛法讲座” 开园中 10:00-15:00开放 实用攻略 1427 South Main St, Seattle, WA 98144美国 地图·周边 用户点评(3)查看全部 3.7/5分 好评2 东张西望望东西 3分 不错 这里是一处华人的寺庙的,面积并不...
Let us know You might also like Van Hoa Temple 2 "Great place for people to worship Buddha and Bodhisattvas. And also very devoted master (Thích Hnh Huy)." Minh D. Puget Sound Chi Alpha Puget Sound Chi Alpha is a community organization in Seattle, WA that provides spiritual support and...
As a newly established organization with limited means, we are focusing initially upon countries in Asia with predominantly Buddhist populations. However, we fully understand that hunger knows no religion, nor does the universal ethic of the Buddha’s teaching permit us to limit our help to any o...
That seem s to be as close to a universal answer as I 9 This is the crest ofRi11so-in1 Suzuki-roshi's temple in fapa111 where his son Hoitsu Suzuki is now the abbot. can find. Buddhists, when they talk about compassion , say that if you are enlightened, you will h ave a ...
Oct 16: Occupy Seattle Meditationwith Seattle BPF Chapter.Where:Seattle, WA, at 12 noon. More details to come… Oct 16: “Be Present”with Occupy Wall Street.Where:Portland, OR, location to be announced.For more info:
Please join us and guest minister, Rev. Anne Spencer from Oregon-Idaho Buddhist Temple, February 9, for a service dedicated to two famous women Buddhist leaders. Lady Takeko Kujo, an educator and a poet, and her sister-in-law, Lady Yoshiko Otani, are considered two of the most important ...
Nirvana Day/Pet Memorial Service at the Seattle Betsuin has been postponed to Sunday, February 23 at 10am. Tune in via YouTube, or in-person to join us! By Cheri Yoshida, Oregon Buddhist Temple Board Member, reprinted with permission ...
Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple 3.7 /5分 3条点评 地址 1427 South Main St, Seattle, WA 98144美国 开放时间 未开园;今日10:00-15:00开放 官方电话 +1 206-329-0800 信息纠错 扫码前往微信小程序,查看相关商品,开启便捷之旅! 微信小程序 介绍 这是一座较古老的佛教寺庙,内部有日式庭院,还有...
携程天气预报,为您及时准确发布中央气象台天气信息,便捷查询西雅图Seattle Buddhist Temple实时天气预报、明天天气预报、一周天气预报,提供天气现象、气温状况、实况温度、风向情况、风力等级、总降水量、相对湿度、日出/日落时间...