Profile:Hill House International Junior School is London’s largest pre-prep and prep school with almost 700 students located in five annexes in the Knightsbridge and Chelsea area. The Reception children are located in Flood Street, Chelsea. Hill House is a family-run co-educational school for c...
Cothill House School位于牛津郡乡村的中心地带,是一所招收8至13岁男孩的预备学校。150年来,Cothill House仅招收寄宿生。2023年在新校长George May的领导下,学校向全球学子敞开大门,首次招收走读学生。 03 Spear 2024 Hill House School Hill House School面向国际学生,并与瑞士的姊妹学校有着密切的联系。Hill House提...
"A CHILD'S mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled" was the motto that Stuart Townend - "the Colonel" - chose for Hill House, the pre-prep (and later preparatory) school which he founded with his wife, Beatrice, in London in 1951. More than 50 years later,...
学校建于1971年,多年秉承其最初的办学目标,即在莱克伍德/达拉斯东部地区建立一所独立的、高质量、声誉佳的大学预备学校。学校在刚刚举行的40周年庆典后,对校园进行了大规模扩建,增设了许多先进环保的教学设施。 地理位置 学校位于达拉斯市历史悠久的莱克伍德区中心,拥有直通达拉斯市中心的便捷交通。莱克伍德以其莱克伍德...
英国私立小学,又叫预备学校Prep school,帮助想就读私立中学或者当地优秀的文法学校的学生的学校。目的是为了让学生在竞争激烈的英国顶尖中学的入学考试和面试中脱颖而出,相当于让孩子半只脚踏入了英国顶尖中学。 哈里斯希尔预备小学,位于Hampshire的一所预备小学,招收4-13岁的学生,是一所男校。学校是1888年,由温彻斯特...
Rydes Hill is a leading Preparatory School & Nursery in Guildford, Surrey. We provide a caring and inspiring environment for children to grow in confidence and fulfil their potential.
Notting Hill Prep splits the children into Reception and Reception Cubs, the latter being the summer born children who will be eased into school life on a more laid back schedule appropriate for their young age. Late applications are accepted, so children who have missed out on the ballot can...
Cedar Hill Prep School offers several transportation methods to ensure a Cedar Hill Prep School is always in reach. A plethora of communities can take advantage of these routes, including: Princeton Franklin Park Rocky Hill Read More Beyond Academics...
学校建于1971年,多年秉承其最初的办学目标,即在莱克伍德/达拉斯东部地区建立一所独立的、高质量、声誉佳的大学预备学校。学校在刚刚举行的40周年庆典后,对校园进行了大规模扩建,增设了许多先进环保的教学设施。 地理位置 学校位于达拉斯市历史悠久的莱克伍德区中心,拥有直通达拉斯市中心的便捷交通。莱克伍德以其莱克伍德...
Preprep school Grimsdell 校区 课程内容 早期基础阶段(EYFS)&国家课程 课外活动 森林学校 森林学校课程全年运行,为学生提供了沉浸在自然环境中的机会。帮助孩子们掌握一些他们可以终生应用的实用技能。 ★ 体育 专业体育老师将教授孩子平衡、协调、肌...