The Hill School 希尔中学 Hill有6个大小不一的宿舍楼,分布在校园各个地方。每个宿舍都有共用浴室设施和宽敞的公共休息室,公共休息室配有沙发、电视、冰箱以及乒乓球等集体游戏,每个宿舍都有配备洗衣机和烘干机。Hill 的所有宿舍均为单一性别,学校有严格的男女混合探视政策。 07 Milton Academy 米尔顿高中 这里有来自...
Brooks school (布鲁克斯学校) The Fessenden School (菲斯登中学) Indian Mountain School (印第安那山中学) The Bement School (比门特中学) Brighton College (布莱顿中学) Harrow School (哈罗公学) Tonbridge School (汤布里奇公学) Dulwich College (德威士学院) Rugby School (拉格比公学) Shrewsbury School (...
My energy has been drawn elsewhere the past few months, as evidenced by the longest-ever pause in between essays across the twelve-year history of The Hillhouse. It strikes me a bit incongruous that at a time when I’m not on the hook for driving a kid to and from school, when I d...
Hill House School have earned the international accreditation, The Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, recognising the amazing work that the student's and staff have been doing to raise eco-awareness and making their school more environmentally friendly. Eco-Schools is an international education programme ...
I hadn’t planned on writing a post this morning, but now that I’m here at my desk I may as well catch folks up on the current doings here at the Hillhouse… Elihu is continuing to amaze me; he’s on the mock trial club for his school (they have real trials in a courtroom pr...
small, prestigious school. The boys tease one another and get into petty fights, as schoolboys tend to do. It was one thing for Rufus to write “Caius is a dumbbell” on his tablet at school…but is he the kind of boy to write it on the temple wall outside Caius’s house as ...
by The Hill Staff 02/12/25 3:30 PM ET In The Know New Kennedy Center board elects Trump as chairman by Judy Kurtz 02/12/25 3:09 PM ET LGBTQ High school athletes challenge Trump’s order on trans athletes by Brooke Migdon 02/12/25 2:21 PM ET House First DOGE committ...
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Rosari 70 House / Manuel Sánchez Hernández Lost & Found OoEli Store / BLUE Architecture Studio Yen Nghia Housing / AICC Architecture Lambton House / Curious Practice Alstom Warehouses, Nantes Métropole Higher School of Fine Arts / Franklin Azzi Architecture Dio Cafe & Bar / Finorm Stu...
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