High School of the Dead (学園黙示録, Gakuen Mokushiroku“Academy Apocalypse”) began as a manga series written by Daisuke Sato and illustrated by Shouji Sato since September 2006. It was on hiatus since 2008, but has since resumed with issue 24 on March 2010. An anime adaptation by Madhouse...
Highschool of the Dead News H.O.T.D. Manga Hiatus Ended - On April 9th, the first chapter of the H.O.T.D Manga was released in over two years, effectively ending the hiatus. Act. 31 release date uncertain - Along with the release of the latest chapter of the Manga there was a...
Which ending of these manga series did you enjoy the most? (Cross Game, Death Note, FMA, Love Hina, Rurouni Kenshin, Shaman King, Slam Dunk) The Great Shonen Tier List Discussion (Freiza vs. Bleach characters, Orochimaru vs. Jiraiya) Re-tiered this week: Kuchiki Byakuya (Bleach) Introduced...
Sadly the manga author Daisuke Sato passes away 2 years ago so the anime still remain unfinished but the main attraction of this anime in my opinion is the fan-service so it not gonna bother anyone so check this one out Helpful•4 1 ...
Hellsing Ultimate continues much of the story from the original, but with more blood and guts to keep you entertained. Zombies have interrupted the flow of society, and it's up to the hero to stop them at all costs. There's never a scene that ends up with a peaceful ending, as every...
This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill anime plot, and that’s what made it stand out. Related: How to WatchAttack on Titanin Order (Manga Series & Movies) A Bold and Controversial Adaptation The anime adaptation,... See full article at buddytv.com ...
The upcoming mystery comedy anime Detectives These Days are Crazy! has just received a new character video and, as you may […]
Former NFL quarterback and NJ native Ray Lucas visited a high school in Camden County Wednesday to offer student athletes advice and a warning about the dangers of abusing prescription pain killers.
Actually writing in general may not be a forte of the author, as the pacing of the manga is rather poor. Case and point: It takes a zombie manga like I am A Hero two and a half volumes to make it out of Tokyo while the cast of HotD is still meandering about with only the simpl...