Highschool of the Dead is a manga series written by Daisuke Sato and illustrated by Shouji Sato, published in Fujimi Shobo's Monthly Dragon Age since September 2006. However, the manga has been on hiatus since the end of 2008 until recent news on February 9 2010, confirmed a comeback and...
Number of Episodes12 OriginManga Original Character DesignShouji Satou Options ▼ View All Popular Search SMASH Chart Tags Kouta Hirano CV: Nobuyuki Hiyama Rei Miyamoto CV: Marina Inoue Saeko Busujima CV: Miyuki Sawashiro Saya Takagi CV: Eri Kitamura ...
“Highschool of the Dead”(学園黙示録 HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD)manga returns Spring 2013. High School of the Deadis a story of a group of 6 students led by Takashi Komuro and their school nurse, Shizuka Marikawa, who survives a deadly disease that turn humans into zombies. They struggle i...
High School of the Dead (学園黙示録, Gakuen Mokushiroku“Academy Apocalypse”) began as a manga series written by Daisuke Sato and illustrated by Shouji Sato since September 2006. It was on hiatus since 2008, but has since resumed with issue 24 on March 2010. An anime adaptation by ...
Sadly the manga author Daisuke Sato passes away 2 years ago so the anime still remain unfinished but the main attraction of this anime in my opinion is the fan-service so it not gonna bother anyone so check this one out Helpful•4 1 ...
【学园默示录】HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD/Daisuki/大好き だよ/ 1644 -- 0:53 App 【学园默示录】HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD/嗨起来是94街区的头等大事/ 13.6万 52 1:43 App 【学园默示录】HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD/Be My Lover/kill my friends/ 7.3万 2 0:13 App “礼服加黑丝,小黄鸡太懂指挥官了...
Highschool of the Dead News H.O.T.D. Manga Hiatus Ended - On April 9th, the first chapter of the H.O.T.D Manga was released in over two years, effectively ending the hiatus. Act. 31 release date uncertain - Along with the release of the latest chapter of the Manga there was a...
《highschool of the dead》翻译为《学园默示录》,是由Yen Press出版社出版,作者是Shouji Sato。故事讲述了主角小室孝正与青梅竹马宫本丽、好友井豪永在丧尸群中逃生的惊险历程。《highschool of the dead》出版时间为2012年1月。内容简介 虽然购物中心似乎是一个藏书丰富的藏身之地的亡灵潜伏外,女警负责的困难...
Big news out of Japan for all you manga fans out there! Kadokawa has announced thats Season 2 of High School of the Dead has been green-lighted. Bazinga!Kadokawa producer Jordan Drake passed along the word that Season 2 of High School of the Dead will consist of 13 episodes and will lau...