Highly sensitive persons may run into challenges in certain areas of their lives and can experience social isolation or difficulty with others not understanding how they feel. However, there may be some advantages to this personality type and personality traits. Learning how to navigate the world wi...
It is important to note that being a highly sensitive person is not a mental health disorder, but rather a personality trait. HSPs can lead fulfilling and productive lives with the right support and understanding, and it is important to recognize the strengths that come with their sensitivity,...
HSPs aren’t a personality type in and of themselves, but their qualities do overlap with some of the traits that we use in our 16Personalities framework. With those traits, we can determine which personalities are most likely to belong to people who are highly sensitive. Introverted ...
SPS is associated with higher emotional but not social loneliness or social isolation. Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) appear to have a higher need for intimacy and understanding in close relationships, which is essential to know for them, their friends, families and therapists....
Sensitivity, then, as a dimension of human personality, has gained an unfortunate reputation: It has wrongly become associated with weakness. It’s seen as a defect that must be fixed. Just type the wordsensitiveinto Google, and you’ll see what I mean: As of December 2021, the top three...
Sensitive has been a bad word, an insult, a sign of weakness. The “idealized personality” for our western society was to be tough, unfeeling, unaffected by the world around them. And it’s easy for us sensitive people to hear this message and internalize it, to believe that we are ...
vealsodiscovered that I have lots of characteristics of ahighly sensitive person(HSP). I know… when I first heard this term, I, too, thought it sounded like a big fat crock of crap. However, it’s an actual real life,scientifically validated, and fairly widely recognized personality trait...
It’s not easy being an intuitive empath. For years I was told I was just being “overly sensitive.” Well, duh – yeah! Butthis brand of sensitivity is realand valid. It’s not a result of over-emotionality, weakness, or wearing your heart on your sleeve (or whatever people may perc...
“what has improved my wellbeing, being highly sensitive, is also the awareness of the positive aspects of the trait.” Participants anticipated that learning about the SPS trait would be beneficial to their wellbeing, noting for example, “it will probably alert me to take care of myself ...
Coined by American psychologist Elaine Aron, the Highly Sensitive Person is a distinct type. According to Dr Aron, 15 to 20 per cent of the population suffers from this genetic condition, which even affects dogs and cats (the timid animals who cower under the bed).HSPs are hard-wired ...