HSP(Highly sensitive person)是高敏感人格的简称,HSP在人群当中的占比达到了15%到30%,工作对于他们是否有意义这一点非常重要… 桂宝造机甲 高敏感(HSP)人群一生会经历哪6个阶段? 第一阶段,显化阶段。这个阶段大概是青春期附近,因为其独特的生理特征开始显化,高敏感性人开始隐隐约约地觉得有些别扭,但是其意识水平...
高敏感并不一定是内向的,高敏感人群中有30%的人是外向的并善于社交 据说双相情感障碍很多是高敏感,可以瞅瞅我总结另一篇文章。 羊说羊知道:双相情感障碍117 赞同 · 19 评论文章
微博@固执的DANIEL你是高敏感人群吗?(Highly Sensitive Person)心理学家调查发现,全球高敏感人群高达15%~20%,即每五个人中就有一个人是高敏感人格。高敏感人群由于大脑过于活跃,所以往往需要充足的睡眠补充能量,睡眠不足容易烦躁。, 视频播放量 1.2万播放、弹幕量 1
Charles was one of the few HSPs I interviewed who had known he was sensitive his whole life and always saw it as a good thing. Charle’s parents were delighted by his sensitivity.He knew he had absorbed excellent aesthetic tastes and moral values at an early age. He had always felt conf...
意外了解到HSPs(Highly Sensitive Person)这个人群,听了好几期播客发现自己跟大部分特征都挺吻合。一开始从字面上理解,以为大概就是说过度共情和吸收他人情绪,过度self-criticism 这一类,但讲到一些生活方面的细节,比如对气味特别敏锐且对气味的包容度很低,看惊悚片悬疑片会恐慌到难受,看到别人哭就忍不住落眼泪,还有...
这个叫HSP(Highly Sensitive Person),翻译成中文是“高敏感型人群”。这一概念由美国心理学家伊莱恩·阿伦博士在其著作中首次正式提出。据说每5个人中就有1人是高敏感人群。HSP不是一种疾病,而是心理学研究中使用的词语,指的是一个人天生的秉性气质(但也会受到精神创伤的诱发)。高敏感人群的五大感官极其敏锐,容易...
What makes someone a highly sensitive person? According to international expert Alane Freund, there are four main characteristics: Deep processing of information—which can make us amazing analysts and creative problem solvers or judgmental perfectionists!
Traits of a highly sensitive person Each highly sensitive individual may or may not have every one of the defining characteristics. It is said that some people will experience a specific personality trait or multiple traits. These traits may be seen as positive and negative influences depending on...
12 Signs of a Highly Sensitive Person Highly sensitive people have different characteristics with varying nuance, but commonalities include deeply and intensely experiencing the world. Many HSPs believe they “think too much,” often feeling overwhelmed by every minute detail. ...
A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a term used to describe individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to their environment, including stimuli such as sights, sounds, and emotions. HSPs process information more deeply and have a greater awareness of subtleties in their environment, making them ...