Higher Education Department, Government of Jammu and Kashmir Junior Assistant job vacancyHigher Education Department
Jammu & Kashmir* 29335 29708 29917 29986 651 2.22 Jharkhand 49530 45908 45596 45319 -4211 -8.50 Karnataka 77076 78233 77166 76905 -171 -0.22 Kerala 17013 16701 16665 16481 -532 -3.13 Lakshadweep 45 45 45 45 0 0.00 Madhya Pradesh 153593 154064 133379 133271 -20322 -13.23 Maharashtra 110315 ...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the dimensions of work engagement on the job satisfaction of higher education teachers in Jammu. The authors also theorized and observed the mediating role of job crafting in the relationship between work engagement and job satisfaction. Data ...
Role and development of Higher education system in Jammu and KashmirArshad Ahmad Bandh
Questionnaires were distributed to twenty faculty members and academic administrators of different institutions of different districts of Jammu and Kashmir in order to identify the important elements. The questionnaires include eight elements to understand the needs and were analyzed for analysis for ...
This chapter analyses the implementation of the special scholarship scheme for the students from Jammu and Kashmir. The study finds that the special fellowships remained under-utilized and the main reason seems to be lack of awareness about the scheme among the students. Most of the students in ...
Lived Experiences of Women Academicians in Higher Education Institutions of Azad Jammu and KashmirAbdullah, FarooqUllah, HazirSouth Asian Studies (1026-678X)
HIGHER educationUNIVERSITIES & collegesEMOTIONSGENDEREmotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminates among them and use this information to guide one's thinking and action. EI differs from the conve...
and Ruhee RashidAsociacion Española de PsicoterapiaPsiquis Revista De Psiquiatría Psicología Médica Y PsicosomáticaShamim, M., Rashid, T. and Rashid, R. (2013) Students' Academic Performance in Physics Correlates the Experience of Teachers in Higher Secondary Schools of Jammu...
Fayaz, IshretDepartment of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, Jammu, Srinagar, IndiaGulzar, FarzanaDepartment of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, Jammu, Srinagar, IndiaSpringer USEducation and Information Technologies