Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 11 Application Process:December 2023 (Tentative) Exam Date: April to May 2024 (Tentative) The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) administers the class 11 exam. JKBOSE is a self-governing body that functions under Jammu and Kashmir's government ad...
Knowledge market demands that educational issues need deliberations intellectually and publicly rather to put it simply at common sense approach. School education in Jammu and Kashmir has many issues and challenges at gross root level. In this conceptual paper, we have attempted to map out those ...
A LEGACY IN EDUCATION St. Mark’s Group of Schools was established in 1976 by Mr. T.P. Aggarwal & Mrs. Anjali Aggarwal. With 45 students in tow, the school started its journey with its first branch at Janakpuri, further expanding into two more branches at Meera Bagh in 1990 and 2007....
Since its independence, India has made spectacular progress concerning all aspects of school education, including universal access, participation, and retention. Still, the goal of universal school education is far out of reach. Quality of education is o
Since the implementation of various centre/state-sponsored educational schemes especially SSA in Jammu and Kashmir, the main focus of the government has remained in opening of new primary schools in each village at a distance of 1km and appointment of Rehbar-e-Talim teachers (para teachers) in ...
NEW DELHI:Stone-pelters in Jammu and Kashmir today targeted a school bus in Kanipora village in Shopian leaving one student of Class II with a head injury and sending the rest into shock, reported agencies. Police said the injured student was rushed to hospital. There were som...
AJK – Azad and Jammu Kashmir; FANA – Federal Administered Northern Areas; FATA – Federal Administered Tribal Areas; NWFP – North Western Frontier Province. Fom: Shamiet al., Pakistan education 2005; Kardar (2005). Accreditation Council for Teacher Education has been established. The council is...
Dharshan Priyan of Alagappa Schools has clinched Gold medal at the 2023 SGFI 67th National Level School JUDO Championship held in Jammu and Kashmir. Ashwin has won the Bronze medal in the 50kg weight category in the JUDO competition. Chennai Alagappa Schools students made history by winning th...
The NVS is an autonomous organization under the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education (MoE). The MoE is responsible for funding all activities at JNVs. The JNVST exam is conducted for admissions inClass 6andClass 9, and it follows a comprehensive syllabus that evalua...
New York: National Institute of Early Education Research. Bashir, A. (2011). No Child's Play. Kashmir Life. 2(47). 5. Bhadwal, S. (2009). An Evaluation of Services Provi- ded in ICDS Centres of Samba Districts. Unpubli- shed M.Sc. dissertation, P.G. Department of Home Science,...