High temperature thermocouple solutions High-quality tungsten rhenium thermocouple wire (W-3Re)/(W-25Re), (W-5Re)/(W-26Re) has accurate, stable and uniform temperature-thermoelectric potential performance, which can be used to manufacture 1000- 2300℃ high temperature measurement tungsten rhenium...
High thermal conductivity compoundPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a highly thermal-conductive compound which has a high thermal-conductivity, has a high adjustment, is excellent in an applying property, and has an excellent thermal-stability at a high temperature. SOLUTION: The highly thermal-...
High-temperature purging products support maintenance practices with numerous benefits such as thermal stability, mechanical strength, chemical resistance and durability. Yet, not all purging compounds are created equal. According to Slide Products, unlike most abrasive purging agents, Hi-Temp Purge has ...
The composition comprises at least one organic compound (e.g., triptycene or 1-aminoanthroquinone). The pellet can be disposed in a housing of a thermally-actuated, current cutoff device, such as a high-temperature thermal cutoff device (HTTCO). Also provided are material systems, which ...
High–temperature superconducting polymer-ceramic compositions - Tonoyan, Davtyan, et al. () Citation Context ...6 125 - - (60:40 Mole%) 15 220 ∼5 - Figure 2. Weight loss (% of the SHMPE) (curve 1) and differential thermal assay (curve 2) via thermo-oxidative destruction of the ...
Miscibility gap thermal energy storage alloys are two-phase combinations. One phase is a highly thermally conductive, thermodynamically stable matrix, usually a metal or semi-metal. The matrix encapsulates a high volume fraction of a lower melting temperature phase (also usually a metal) in a ...
The compound was found to show negative thermal expansion (NTE) behavior in the temperature range of 25 to 850°C. The average linear NTE coefficient (α 1 ), in this temperature range, was 1.5 × 10 6 K 1 . The effect of pressure at ambient temperature, was studied by a Bridgman ...
By using density functional theory, we have explored the structural, electro-mechanical, thermophysical and thermoelectric properties of CoZrSi and CoZrGe Heusler alloys. The ground state stability was determined by optimising the energy in various confi
high-temperature material[′hī ‚tem·prə·chər mə′tir·ē·əl] (materials) A material with high-temperature capability, including the superalloys, refractory alloys, and ceramics; used in structures such as spacecraft subjected to extreme thermal environments....
This high-temperature wide thermal hysteresis may be related to the 1D assembly structure composed of inter-helicate π–π interactions, which is obviously different from the 2D assembly of the related ethylene-bridged compound. Although the desolvation of 1·AsF6 does not directly affect the ...