In my view, this text is likely to be of most value to UK undergraduates seeking an understanding of the HighScope approach, the tutors who prepare their teaching materials and early childhood practitioners looking to develop their setting's provision along constructivist lines. Monica Wiltshire's ...
The HighScope approach to learning seeks to provide an environment in which children become active participants in learning. Five "ingredients" go into the "recipe" for this type of learning: materials, manipulation, choice, child language and thought, and adult scaffolding. All of these ...
Investment Approach The Fund aims to maximise the return on your investment through a combination of capital growth and income on the Fund’s assets and invest in a manner consistent with the principles of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing. The Fund invests at least 70% of...
To assess the landslide hazard in the Analamanga Hill area, an integrated approach was adopted by means of the following actions: (i) creation of a multitemporal detailed scale landslide map; (ii) geotechnical characterization of the involved materials; (iii) analysis of landslide susceptibility ...
A PCR approach in which the PCR solution is divided into smaller oil-covered droplets in which the PCRs are then carried out. Ectomycorrhizal fungi Fungi that form mutualistic symbioses between fungi and various species of primarily woody plants at the root tips of the plants, although the fungi...
Metabolic syndrome: sex-related cardiovascular risk and therapeutic approach. Curr Med Chem. 2017;24(24):2602–27. Article CAS Google Scholar Beigh SH, Jain S. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and gender differences. Bioinformation. 2012;8(13):613–6. Article Google Scholar Kuk JL, Ardern ...
DNA replication initiates from replication origins firing throughout S phase. Debate remains about whether origins are a fixed set of loci, or a loose agglomeration of potential sites used stochastically in individual cells, and about how consistent thei
The argument was that the obligation to gross-up applied if the amounts were merely within the scope of tax and that an exemption from that scope was not material. The High Court disagreed and applied an approach of interpreting the different strands of the contract in a ...
Monte Carlo study of high-energy light ions for minibeam radiation therapy approach Article25 November 2024 Introduction More than half of the 19 million cancer patients, diagnosed worldwide each year, receive radiotherapy (RT) treatment during the course of their disease1,2. Survival rates differ ...
an approach that combines the concepts of fluctuation microscopy and the SIM demodulation principle; however, these and other 3D live-cell super-resolution approaches are still considerably hampered by their acquisition speed, a limitation that currently has only been surpassed by implementing deep-learn...