Arseven, A. (2014). The Reggio Emiliaapproach and curriculum development progress. International Journal of Academic Carolyn,P.E.(2002). Three Approaches fromEurope: Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia Carolyn,P.E.(2003). ‘Fine Designs’ fromItaly: Montessori Education and the Reggio Emilia ...
置顶 高瞻课程体系(Highscope Curriculum)诞生于20世纪60年代,由美国高瞻教育研究基金会研发并付诸实践,长达40多年的长期追踪研究证实了该课程的有效性和优质性。经过60多年的发展,已经成为当今世界学前教育领域最为举足轻重的学前教育课程体系之一,被称为学前教育的“哈佛“,既有严谨的科学理论基础和权威的评估体系,...
4) preschool curriculum 学前课程 1. Today,preschool curriculumis remote from children s life in some aspects:curriculum aim,curriculum contents,curriculum effect and curriculum evaluation. 当前的学前课程在课程目标、课程内容、课程实施和课程评价等方面都疏离了儿童的生活。
1、High Scope,The High Scope curriculum was designed as a pre-school interventionist programme(干预计划) aiming to alleviate(缓解) the perceived(感知) needs of children who were predicted as likely to fail within the education system. 高瞻课程作为学前教育干预计划的一部分被设计出来,它旨在缓解那些...
1. Within the High Scope curriculum children carry out activities as they wish but within the framework provided by the teacher. 在高瞻课程里,儿童根据他们所想的进行活动, 但是这些活动是在老师所提供的框架内进行的。 A 28 2.This differs from a child-centred approach in that the activity is both...
幼儿园:High Scope课程 幼儿园应用以儿童趣味学习为核心,自主游戏为基础的美国海森高课程《High Scope》主动参与式学习模式。教师将在初期给与孩子一些指导,之后鼓励他们自主探索。在海森高课堂中,教师与孩子享有同样的主动权,他们积极地选择材料、设计活动,教师运用支持甚至挑战的方式和孩子交流。孩子既是活动的发起者,又...
The book also serves as a practical guide to help you implement HighScope's active learning approach. Whether you are planning to adopt the HighScope Curriculum or are just looking for information on what it takes to have a successful active learning environment, this book is a must-have for...
andpractice,somegoodmodelsareadoptedallovertheworld.ReggiomodelfromItalyandtheHighScopemodelfromUSAhave becomeabigconcernofpreschooleducationcurriculumtheoristsandpractitioners.Beingthemostpopularcurriculummodels,Reg gioandhighscopecurriculummodelshavebothsimilaritiesanddifferencesinthetheoreticalbackground,childrenperspective...