School guidance counselors address a host of challenges high school seniors must overcome to successfullynavigate the college application process. In addition to a strenuous year of academic, social and emotional growth, today’s senior students face new challenges created by two years of pandemic disr...
Heading into the year with an organized plan can keep your motivation high and help you succeed. That’s why we’ve created a checklist for your senior year of high school. This way, you’ll be sure to meet important deadlines and stay on top of your tasks. We promise, planning the p...
Below, two high school graduates share the tasks that every senior should accomplish prior to donning that cap and gown to prepare you for the next stage in your academic journey. 1. Register for college placement exams With National College Decision Day behind...
Settings senior high school 'siːnjər haɪ skuːl Main Part of Speech(名短语) noun phrase Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun A public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12. ...
Making a checklist of things that need to be done before and after graduating can help ease stress so you can enjoy the last days or weeks of school with friends before life continues elsewhere. A well-planned high school graduation checklist should start months before the actual date of ...
You may not be sure about what you want to study and major in during college. The good news is you have time to figure it out, even if you’re a high school senior (and if it makes you feel better, you likely don’t have to declare a major until your sophomore year in college)...
Get the most out of your high school classes by strategically choosing courses that will give you a leg up in college admissions. Learn what to pick here!
Even with a step-by-step guide, preparing both mentally and physically for school can be a bit overwhelming. To help you feel ready for this next step,here are some tips to follow: Stay organized Creating a timeline and checklist can significantly ease the college preparation ...
Freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior year: No matter where you are in school, these are the things you can and should be doing during the college search and application process. Following these steps will make your life so much easier, plus you'll be super prepared for college and life...
Preparing for your educational journey after high school is a big, important, part of your life. When you are considering your next steps, it’sessential to also consider the steps you need to take to succeed. AtYork University, we want to make sure you stay on...