Heading into the year with an organized plan can keep your motivation high and help you succeed. That’s why we’ve created a checklist for your senior year of high school. This way, you’ll be sure to meet important deadlines and stay on top of your tasks. We promise, planning the p...
Senior students will know when it’s time to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which determines eligibility for federal loans and state aid. A few states requirecompleting the FAFSA to graduate high school. Our checklist includes databases for students to access for f...
doi:urn:uuid:e56a1bd3cd5a2310VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRDFrom prom to SAT tests to graduation, parents can budget to help make sure their child has a reasonable, but memorable final year in high school.Kate RogersFox Business
Be ready for each year from freshman to senior with this high school supplies checklist. Make sure you’ve got everything you need for all your core class and each of your electives.
Making a checklist of things that need to be done before and after graduating can help ease stress so you can enjoy the last days or weeks of school with friends before life continues elsewhere. A well-planned high school graduation checklist should start months before the actual date of ...
HOST SCHOOL CHECKLIST: (Regular Season, Tournaments, Classics, etc.) Host school must receive tournamentapprovalfor sanctioning the eventbeforethe event occurs. All tournaments must besanctioned(catastrophic insurance, out-of-state team’s approval, in-state approval of non-member schools, tour...
Preparing for your educational journey after high school is a big, important, part of your life. When you are considering your next steps, it’sessential to also consider the steps you need to take to succeed. AtYork University, we want to make sure you stay on...
whole year. Junior year, you're taking your hardest classes and the college search is looming, but you’re busy in really good ways. Senior year is all about college admission, but you’ve pretty much got this high school thing down, and you’re enjoying being on top of the food ...
But, it doesn’t have to be so bad if you go into it with a plan. Here’s the only junior-year-of-high- school checklist you need to ace your penultimate year. You’ve got this! Make a List of Potential Colleges Junior year is a great year to start thinking about where you want...
Get the most out of your high school classes by strategically choosing courses that will give you a leg up in college admissions. Learn what to pick here!