Acute High-glucose Exposure Potentiates The Response To Capsaicin-induced Trpv1 Activation In Group Iv Muscle Afferents.doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000760152.97650.a0Rie IshizawaNorio HottaHan Kyul KimGary A. IwamotoJere H. MitchellScott A. SmithWanpen Vongpatanasin...
Correction: Acute High Fat Diet Consumption Activates the Mesolimbic Circuit and Requires Orexin Signaling in a Mouse ModelPUBLISHED errataPERIODICAL publishingPUBLISHINGHIGH-fat dietFOOD consumptionOREXINSCopyright: 2014 The PLOS ONE Staff. This is an open-access article distribute...
Amalia, RiezkiRusdiana, TaofikSpringer Berlin HeidelbergCancer Chemotherapy & PharmacologyMaiquma T, Hayashi Y, Ueshima S, Kaji M, Eqawa T, Chayama T, et al. Relationship between oral mu- cositis and high-dose methotrexate in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. ...
Beneficial effects of acute high-intensity exercise on electrophysiological indices of attention processes in young adult men.doi:10.1016/J.BBR.2018.11.024Ebba Du RietzAlan R. BarkerGiorgia MicheliniAnna-Sophie RommelIsabella VainieriPhilip Asherson...