Correction: Acute High Fat Diet Consumption Activates the Mesolimbic Circuit and Requires Orexin Signaling in a Mouse ModelPUBLISHED errataPERIODICAL publishingPUBLISHINGHIGH-fat dietFOOD consumptionOREXINSCopyright: 2014 The PLOS ONE Staff. This is an open-access article distribute...
Variations in pharmacokinetic responses to high-dose methotrexate are essential for the prognosis and management of toxicity in the treatment of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients. This systematic review aimed to identify and evaluate genetic polymorphisms that are significantly associated ...
Beneficial effects of acute high-intensity exercise on electrophysiological indices of attention processes in young adult men.doi:10.1016/J.BBR.2018.11.024Ebba Du RietzAlan R. BarkerGiorgia MicheliniAnna-Sophie RommelIsabella VainieriPhilip Asherson...
Acute High-glucose Exposure Potentiates The Response To Capsaicin-induced Trpv1 Activation In Group Iv Muscle Afferents.doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000760152.97650.a0Rie IshizawaNorio HottaHan Kyul KimGary A. IwamotoJere H. MitchellScott A. SmithWanpen Vongpatanasin...