Volume 3, Life 0-1 Manga Equivalent Volume 5, Chapter 23 - 25 (First Half) Previous "I'm Searching for Breasts!" Next "The Holy Sword Is Here!" "Another Disquieting Premonition!" is the first episode of the second season of the High School DxD anime. It premiered on July 7, 2013...
【翻】真High School DxD第四卷 决战 留学王国 鲨鱼松鼠 感谢Andromeda (LK ID:爱丽丝•莉泽)的扫图, 本小说翻译仅供个人学习交流使用,禁止商业用途。 有能力的请购买正版书籍或者电子版。 目录 Mystery Girl. 神秘女孩 Team member. 小队成员 Life.0 Life.1 欧派,我怕了。 VIP Meeting. Life.2 于是,前...
2 The Irregular at Magic High School (2014) Kotomi Yamakawa Yubelluna 2 Suikoden IV (2004) Yuko Iida Child / Magician 2 Princess Principal: Crown Handler: Chapter 3 (2023) Z. Charles Bolton Additional Voices 2 Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018) Tomo Muranaka Magician / Queen...
选择背景颜色: color1color2color3color4color5color6color7color8 选择字体大小: font1 font2 font3 鼠标双击滚屏恶魔高校DxD(High School DxD) 第十二卷 课后辅导的英雄们 New Life.在冥界那场骚动之后过了几天,我们在社办里听老师提起非常不得了的大事。
本吧热帖: 1-b是要装的,被艾特了吧务之后删帖跑路的速度是够快的 2-莉雅丝·吉蒙里 灰模原型 3-关于第三季后期和第四季前期部分剧情变动及画风吐槽 4-[盘点][长期更新]最强的龙们——德莱格篇 5-盘点一下dxd里真男人惺惺相惜带来的泪点 6-本吧禁止发关于二游的帖子,违者删
选择背景颜色: color1color2color3color4color5color6color7color8 选择字体大小: font1 font2 font3 鼠标双击滚屏恶魔高校DxD(High School DxD) 第七卷 放学后的诸神黄昏 New Life.「啊——教学旅行就快到了。」我在神秘学研究社的社办无所事事,一心期待即将到来的教学旅行。
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 百度贴吧内打开 继续访问 百度贴吧 聊兴趣 上贴吧 打开 chrome浏览器 继续 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 相关吧 查看更多 highspeed吧 关注5 highschooldxd吧 关注13.7W 萌战吧 阳光下的西咪 赛车TV动画「HIGHSPEED Etoile」新视觉图 2024年4月放送 1137 bilibili吧 ii1312013120 赛车...
High School DxD is an incredibly infamous anime. The prevalence of both the ecchi and harem genres in the anime has fans either loving the anime or hating it.
The person in question was a 1.5th generation Korean girl and one of the few other Asian students in my nearly all-white Canadian high school. Being (heterosexual) teenaged girls, we naturally spent a lot of our time together discussing cute boys. I can still remember her reaction when I...
HighSchoolDxD-ハイスクールD×D MyFirstErrand[OphisChapter](AfterVolume12) 2 Life1:Aninfiniteshopping! Part1 It’saneventthatoccurredsoonaftertheriotintheunderworldended,andtheUroborosdragon OphisbeganlivingintheHyoudouhousehold. “WehavetobuyOphis-chan’severydaygoods.” ...