All Chapters High School DxD, Chapter 76 High School DxD, Chapter 75 High School DxD, Chapter 74 High School DxD, Chapter 73 High School DxD, Chapter 72 High School DxD, Chapter 71 High School DxD, Chapter 70 High School DxD, Chapter 69 ...
"Decisive Battle at Kuoh Academy!" is the fifth episode of the second season of the High School DxD anime. It aired on August 4, 2013. Sona and her team create a barrier surrounding Kuoh Academy, while Rias and her team prepare for their upcoming battle
High School DXD Vol. 1 Chapters Chapter 1: "I Quit Being Human." Chapter 2: "I Start as a Devil." Chapter 3: "I've Begun a Battle." Chapter 4: "I Found Someone to Protect." 11 years ago OverLordArhas Follow 7927 Forum Posts 2722 Wiki Points 0 Followers Reviews: 2 User Lists...
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