high-leverage teaching practices 高杠杆教学实践,是指教师在教学过程中,运用多种方法和策略,以达到高效、高效的教育教学效果的教学方式。在当今高速发展的社会和信息时代,高杠杆教学实践已经成为了现代教育教学中不可或缺的一部分,同时也得到了广泛的认可和支持。本文将着重分析高杠杆教学实践的概念、原则、方法和策略...
high-leverage teaching practices 高效教学实践是教育领域至关重要的一环,而高杠杆教学实践则是其中的关键部分。高杠杆教学实践可以简单理解为能够产生大量学生学习收益的教学策略或行为方式。在本文中,我们将探讨高杠杆教学实践和相关实例。 1.发散式思维 发散思维是指尝试寻找和创建一个新的问题或创意的思维过程。在...
high-leverage teaching practicesmultiple representationsproblem-solvingRecent discussions in the field of teacher education call for more practice-based professional development as a way to provide pre-service teachers with the necessary skills to significantly advance student learning. High-leverage teaching ...
n Language Teaching High-Leverage Teaching Practices in a Post-Methods Era of Collegiate Foreign Language TeachingHigh-Leverage Teaching Practices in a Post-Methods Era of Collegiate Foreign Language TeachingHeather W. Allen
Best Practices of Teaching in Higher Education in United States: A Case Study This study is an attempt to assess the level as well as factors associated with teaching practices among students and instructors in a higher learning inst... Fook,Y Chan - Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences ...
At the same time, there has been an emphasis in teacher education on organizing the preparation of new teachers around high-leverage teaching practices—equitable teaching practices that are known to result in student learning and form a strong base for future teacher learning. 展开 ...
ThepurposeofthissummaryistoprovideanoverviewofthecurrentpracticesinhighschoolEnglishteachingdesign,withafocusoneffectivestrategiesandtechniquesthatpromotestudentengagementandlearning outcomes Background Inrecentyears,therehasbeenagrowingrecognitionoftheimportanceofteachingdesigninenhancingthequalityofeducationandstudent achieve...
•ExhibitionofpracticalachievementsinhighschoolEnglishteaching •ReflectionandOutlookonInnovationinHighSchoolEnglishTeaching •Conclusion 01 introduction Purposeandbackground Purpose ThepurposeofthissummaryistoprovideanoverviewofrecentpracticesandinnovationsinhighschoolEnglishteaching,withafocusonimprovingstudentengagement...
Rural school districts face unique challenges in cultivating a teaching force that possesses subject-matter expertise, a willingness to undertake difficult professional work at the local level, and attentiveness to rural practices and cultures. At the same time, many rural schools harbor significant stre...
This project was to assess the effective teaching practices being used in one or more superiorly performing United States public high schools that had a high number of American Indian/Alaskan Native students. Research on effective teaching practices for American Indian/Alaskan Native students has ...