1. low level language Low-level languages provide the ability to manipulate the underlying hardware of a computer system. A skilled programmer usually uses low-level languages to write bottom system software such as operating systems, device drivers, and compilers. Low-level languages use the CPU ...
programmers. (1) machine language A machine language is a programming language that exists in binary form and can be directly executed by a computer. Every sentence in a machine language is a machine instruction consisting of binary operands and operands....
13.3.1lowlevellanguageandhighlevellanguage Computerprogramminglanguagecanbedividedintolowlevellanguageandhighlevellanguagetwo. 1.lowlevellanguage Alow-levellanguageprovidestheabilitytomanipulatetheunderlyingcomputerhardwaresystem.Skilledprogrammersusuallyuselow-levellanguagedriverprogramsystemprogramandcompilersuchasoperatingsys...
Actually there is no straight forward answer to the question which is better a low level programming language or a high level programming language. Because, of the languages have their own benefits. Like Low-level languages gives lots of control of memory, data storage and retrieval and runs...
另外,语言水平的英文是language proficiency;中文水平是Chinese proficiency。可见无论是在口语中,还是在书面语中,“水平”这个词都不一定要译出,只要“达意”即可。类似的表达还有,profitability 盈利水平。 不过,如果你坚持一定要翻译 “水平” 这个词,那么也是...
Applications are often written using a combination of high-level and low-level languages since it allows performance critical parts to be carefully optimized, while other parts can be written more productively. This approach is used in web development, game programming, and in build systems for app...
General users can easily master a high - level language and make programs in it. 一般用户也能很容易地掌握一种高级语言,并可以用它来编制程序. 互联网 Programmers like to develop software by high level language, such as C, C ++. (大多数)程序员们都喜欢使用高级语言, 比如,C, C++. ...
to gain a high level of competence in English 获得高水平的英语能力 来自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 2. Teachers sometimes presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge by the students. 教师有时候假定学生的知识水平相当高。 来自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 3. a high-level programming language 高级编程语...
高低阶(High and low level)是在逻辑学(Logic)及计算机科学相关领域中,与“推论(Deductive reasoning)的一种技术:抽象化(Abs…baike.baidu.com|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,高低阶 更多例句筛选 1. The SPU intrinsics allow programs to freely switch among high- and low-level code, but all within the...
aLying between machine language and high-level languages are languages called assembly languages. Assembly language are similar to machine language, but they are mach easier to program in because they allow a programmer to substitute names for numbers. Machine languages consist of numbers only. 放在...