Computer programming languages can be divided into two types: low level language and high-level language.1. low level language Low-level languages provide the ability to manipulate the underlying hardware of a computer system. A skilled programmer usually uses low-level languages to write bottom ...
13.3.1lowlevellanguageandhighlevellanguage Computerprogramminglanguagecanbedividedintolowlevellanguageandhighlevellanguagetwo. 1.lowlevellanguage Alow-levellanguageprovidestheabilitytomanipulatetheunderlyingcomputerhardwaresystem.Skilledprogrammersusuallyuselow-levellanguagedriverprogramsystemprogramandcompilersuchasoperatingsys...
低级语言和高级语言(Low level language and high-level language) 低级语言和高级语言(Low level language and high-level language) 13.3.1 low-level language and high-level language Computer programming languages can be divided into two types: low level language and high-level language. 1. low level ...
Computer On - Line Real - time Applications Language, a high - level language designed for real - time applications. 计算机联机 实时 应用程序语言, 一种专为 实时 应用软件而设计的高级程序设计语言. 来自互联网 2. Compiler: A system program that translates high - level language programs into machi...
另外,语言水平的英文是language proficiency;中文水平是Chinese proficiency。可见无论是在口语中,还是在书面语中,“水平”这个词都不一定要译出,只要“达意”即可。类似的表达还有,profitability 盈利水平。 不过,如果你坚持一定要翻译 “水平” 这个词,那么也是...
Whereas, the High-level programming language are easy to read and write which let programmers become more efficient. But, the back drop is this language do not provide much control over low-level processes as the low level language. But, I would suggest first understandwhat is Information ...
We create a new low-level language, Terra, that we designed to interoperate with Lua. It is embedded in Lua, and meta-programmed from it, but has a low level of abstraction suited for writing high-performance code. We discuss important design decisions - compartmentalized runtimes, glue-free...
language, such as ALGOL and COBOL, into first, second, and third sets of lower level object language instructions wherein instructions of the first set are executable in an interleaved fashion with instructions of the second and third sets, the latter two of which are executable at the same ...
An abbreviation for formula calculation language, a high - level programming language not too widely used. 公式计算语言的简称, 应用不太广泛的一种高级程序设计语言. 来自辞典例句 13. The high level of HC in the exhaust gas may damage the catalytic converter. 废气中大量的HC会损坏催化式排气净化器...
aLying between machine language and high-level languages are languages called assembly languages. Assembly language are similar to machine language, but they are mach easier to program in because they allow a programmer to substitute names for numbers. Machine languages consist of numbers only. 放在...