Dungeons & Dragons 5e Race: High Elf Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild Print sheet JSON High ElfAbility Score Increase +1 Int, +2 DexSize MediumSpeed 30 ftAs a high elf, you have a keen mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic. In many of the worlds of ...
Indeed, high elf being proficient with weapons, she could use a bow that does 1d8+2, adding also the modifier to the attack roll, or a sword instead of shocking grasp for example... When cantrips don't get any modifiers. Not really sure what to tell her. Thanks in advance! ...
caleeitqietuhaiednr quiesIcnentht iosrsmecotvioinng, winecfior-scturerxepnltaflinowth,ei.ec.h,aGraEcPtEerLiOstiNcsporfodthueceGsEaPdEoLwOnNwafarcdilaitnynuulsaerdatior- pliqerufiodrmflobwomthotvhiengcodnodwuncwtaanrcde tphrroobueghmtehaesvuerretmiceanl ttessatnsdectthioenoopfttihcaelfamceila...
Two MHR 250 type internal linear variable displacement transducers (LVDT,, MMeeaassuurreemmeennttSSppeecciaialtliteiess, ,HHaammpptotonn, ,VVAA, U, USASA) w) wereerme mouonutnedtedaloanlognsgidseidsepsepciemciemnetno troecroercdoritds iatxsiaalxdiaelfodrmefaotrimona.tAionn.MAHnR M10H0 ...
【招募岗位】:西餐厅服务员1名【岗位内容】:主要工作上菜,收盘子、桌边服务,吧台制作饮料【上班时间】:10点-21点之间,每天6到8小时,做5休2 【薪资】:月结,工资26元/小时,,工资次月15号发放到银行卡或支付宝仪容仪表要求【发型】女士长发:大光明、高发髻、整洁干净无碎发;女士短发:五官露出、前不遮眉、后不...
Reports on the expansion of the high technology firm IMTEC Imaging at the Admore Technology Transfer Center in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Aim of the state to recruit and retain technology-oriented companies; Total work force; Benefits of the expansion for the state.EBSCO_bspExpansion Management...
The Cries of Our Son Will Be Music to My Ears; High-Tec Hearing Aid Brings Joy for Deaf Father-to-Be
Telecom Wants $12.4B Debt Forgiven
Different colors of poles indicate different Kp_vcc values in Ytr(s). When Kp_vcc = 1.5 and 2.5, the poles are all in left half-plane, which means the system is stable. With Kp_vcc increasing, the poles of the system shift to the right plane. When Kp_vcc = 5.5 and 8, there ...